IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: Out of 100, 70, 50 for TEE & Assignments

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: Understanding the IGNOU Passing Marks is extremely essential while you are pursuing your course here. The passing marks will be different on various grounds such as your program, assignments, practicals, projects, and many more. So, when you are preparing for your exams, you must know about the passing marks so that you can study keeping the passing marks in mind.

Many students consider IGNOU to be tough. The vast syllabus and the extensive modules may make it difficult to a certain extent. However, if you prepare well, you can easily pass the exams. IGNOU has a reasonable passing mark, allowing all students who have prepared well to get through the exams conveniently.

Also Read: IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2024

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024

Many of the candidates are confused about the minimum or passing marks in IGNOU to get qualify for the selected programme. After taking admission to IGNOU, every student wants to clarify about required marks to pass the theory as well as the practical paper of the term-end examination. We just want to clarify about passing marks which does not mean that you just prepared to get minimum marks in the exam so study hard to get maximum marks in IGNOU Term End Exam.

IGNOU Passing Marks

The passing marks vary in theory papers as well as assignments and its also different for Master’s Degree courses and all other courses offered by IGNOU. Here we have made it simpler to know the exact marks you need to complete your programme from IGNOU.

IGNOU UG Passing Marks 2024

IGNOU offers several courses in different streams under its Undergraduate Program. The passing criteria of these courses are quite specific that the students must know about. The passing percentage of the general or academics-specific courses such as BSc, Bcom, and BA is set at 35%. On the other hand, if you have chosen a professional undergraduate course such as BLIS, BCA, and similar others, then you must earn a minimum of 40% to pass through. Thus, whenever you are selecting your course at IGNOU for the undergraduate program, carefully check out the passing percentage of your course is 35% or 40%.

IGNOU PG Passing Marks 2024

Unlike the undergraduate programs, the postgraduate program has a single passing percentage for all its courses.  The passing percentage for the IGNOU PG programs is set at 40%. So, if you have taken up a postgraduate course at the university, you have to score at least 40% overall just to pass your subject and move ahead in your program.

IGNOU Diploma Passing Marks 2024

Diploma courses at IGNOU are mostly yearly program courses in different niches. The passing mark for all the diploma courses at the university is 40%. Whether you are doing your assignments, appearing in the term end exam, or doing projects, you must achieve a minimum of 40% in all of them to pass in case of a diploma course at IGNOU.

IGNOU Certificate Passing Marks 2024

Certificate courses at IGNOU are short-term and may last about 6 months to a year. If you choose IGNOU to pursue a certificate course, you must keep in mind that you have to achieve a minimum of 40% in your term end exams, and other aspects to pass.

IGNOU Passing Marks for Term End Assignment 2024

Passing the Term End Assignments is extremely important along with the examination to pass in a subject. Moreover, assignments hold 30% and examinations hold 70% of the IGNOU grade card.  So, you must also be aware of the passing marks for the Term End Assignments. The passing marks of the assignments will be similar to the term end examinations, program-wise and course-wise. For example, for undergraduate courses such as BSc, BCA, and BCom, the passing marks will be 35%. However, students of the professional undergraduate courses, master’s degree courses, diploma courses, and certificate courses will have to earn a minimum of 40% to pass in the assignments.

Also Read: IGNOU Assignment Status & Marks 2024

IGNOU Passing Marks Out of 100, 70, 50

While the term end questions and assignments of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses are of 100 marks each, the marks can vary for other programs at IGNOU. The most common marks are 100, 70, and 50.

Now if you are an undergraduate student, you will have 100 marks for assignments and term-end exams individually. The marks that you need to achieve will also depend upon the courses that you have taken. For example, academic-specific undergraduate courses such as BSc, BCom, and BA require students to earn a minimum of 35%, or 35 out of 100.  Apart from these, all other courses with have a criteria for a 40% passing mark. This means you have to earn a minimum of 40 out of 100.

However, if your exam’s total score of 70, then you have to aim to earn a minimum of 28 out of 70. Similarly, you have to earn a minimum of 20 if your total score 50.

Also Read: IGNOU Improvement Exam 2024

How To Get Easily Passed in IGNOU?

Now when you know the passing marks, you must know what to aim at while you are doing your assignments or are preparing for your exams. Many experts consider IGNOU exams to be difficult because of their broad syllabus and extensive study materials. However, there are ample ways to help you pass at IGNOU.

Prepare using Study Materials: Whether it is your assignment question papers or term-end question papers, IGNOU mostly arranges questions based on the study materials offered to you. So, go through the study materials in-depth so that you do not miss out on any questions.

Follow Guidelines Thoroughly: Many students often lose marks in assignments and term-end exams because they do not follow the guidelines. Read through the guidelines for doing your assignments before starting your examination. Often maintaining the regulations may fetch you extra marks such as extra marks for good handwriting and clarity.

Practice Previous Year’s Question Papers: IGNOU question papers can get confusing at times. Also, many students struggle to complete the paper on time. Practicing previous year’s question papers will help a lot in understanding the question paper format in advance. Also, when you regularly practice, your time management gets better, helping you to complete the paper on time. All these tips surely help in securing more than your minimum passing marks.

Revise, Revise, Revise: Keep a few days in hand just before the exams to revise all that you have studied. Revision is essential to revive whatever you have studied so that you do not forget anything in the exam hall.

Relax and Stay Calm: Most importantly, you must relax. Often students who stress up extra often forget things or may do something wrong. So, practice meditation to stay calm during your exam.

IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: FAQs

Q1. How do I get to know if I have passed or failed?

Answer: You can do your own calculation by calculating the marks of the questions that you have correctly answered. If you achieve 40%, it means you have passed. Of course, you must check the IGNOU website for actual results when the university releases the IGNOU Result link.

Q2. Which grade is a pass and which grade is a fail?

Answer: Grades from A to D mean you have passed, considering that the minimum passing mark of your course is 40%. However, if the minimum passing percentage of your course is 35%, then the grades A to E suggest that you have passed. In both cases, the grade F is for Fail.

Q3. What is a good grade in IGNOU?

Answer: While grades D and E is a pass in different courses, grade C or above suggest that you have done really well in your exams and assignments.

Q4. How difficult is it to pass in IGNOU?

Answer: It is not very difficult to pass IGNOU if you stay committed to your studies and practice the previous year’s question papers well.

Q5. How easy it is to pass IGNOU assignments?

Answer: Passing IGNOU assignments is pretty easy because you will get answers to all the questions in the provided study materials.

309 thoughts on “IGNOU Passing Marks 2024: Out of 100, 70, 50 for TEE & Assignments”

  1. I have got 30 marks out of 50 but grade card shows not complete
    Plz guide what to do next tomorrow is last date for exam form😨

  2. Dear sir
    my assignment submitted but not completed dikha raha hai so pls sir help me ACC1 KA
    ENROLMENT NO 185567016

  3. I passed the practicals but could not pass in one of the theory, so whether I need to submit the assignment again or just filling up examination form will be sufficient?

  4. Hello , i am a student of pgddm and i got my result yesterday and scored 21 out of 50 in one subject. Besides that i want to know about assignment submission, i submitted my assignments in march by hand… But status has not been updated..

  5. Respect sir my assignment submitted but no completed dikha raha hai so please sir help me 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. Sir not the my marksheet coming sir my marksheet I request sir please give me My marksheet.
    Thank you

  7. Hello sir,
    I am a old ignou bca student. My batch started from 2003 to 2009. Whether this new scoring marks scheme valid to old batch student. I have to reevaluate to old score. Who should be contact. Please help me.

  8. Sir/mam please tell about Post graduate diploma in Disaster management (PGDDM) . What are the Minimum passing marks in Sem exam out of 50 marks

  9. hello sir/mam
    i had done my admission on march i received only 2 subjects book.. i don’t know about assignments and updates plz help me.

  10. I had done my admission on 1 March 2021, no books were sent only received an mail for induction program, I don’t know about assignments and updates, today i visited regional centre and got my books but idk if I’m late for assignment – BASOH

  11. Sir I got 40 marks in MECE004 Program MEC during session Dec 2020. My grade card show not completed.In this regard ,what shall I do.

  12. Hi, I have received my ignou marks sheet but it’s not printed properly all the marks on marks sheet is invisible for few subject.. Pls help me with this. What can i do further.

  13. Hello sir/madam.

  14. Myself samreen raja from kashmir Gdc kupwara sir Maine assignment 2020 december ki submit kiye thy sir result b out hua lakin mare assignment ki marks grade card pi update nhi hue hai aur mera result backlog dekha rha hai mera 2nd sem MSO ka hai sir plzz mare assignment ki marks update kar dijiye

  15. Hii sir MASTER OF ARTS, ke liye 2020-21 ke december session ka Assignment kab tak aa jayega banane ke liye

  16. Sir, I gave the recent examination of ignou in feb 21, the result is declared but mine is not showing it is showing ” enrollment number not found / result yet to be declared” why??

  17. Dear sir/ madam, I have passed out MCA from ignou on 2020 October.but till now I have not received my provisional certificate and mark sheet.please help me.

  18. What is the minimum passing marks of BA history
    Is the passing marks are calculated on the basis of assignment and term end examination
    If a candidate get 28 marks /100 in assignment and 68 in term end examination .Is he passed or not

  19. My assignment status are not uploaded… secondly I have appeared in msoo2.but the result are not declared

  20. july 2021 walo ka abhi tk assignment marks upload nhi hua hai kb tk hoga students are waiting?

    1. Dear sir
      I pursue in study of BA Final year.
      What should minimum marks required to pass in ANC01 Subject in theory paper

  21. What is the minimum passing marks of DECE diploma course. It has three subject DECE1, DECE2, DECE3 and the question paper have 100 marks.

  22. Sir,

    In IGNOU websites, it is clearly stated that the passmark for bachelors degree course is 35% for theory and 50% for assignment I secured 36 marks for TS6 theory paper and according to your website updation, it is clear that I crossed the pass percentage for TS6 theory paper.

    I confirmed that I cleaned TS 6 successfully according to your pass percentage pattern soI did not do another attempt.
    And I was submit my AOM assignment but mark not updated

    I kindly request you to consider this as a special

    case and do the needful.
    Thank you.

    1. Same case with me I cleared all the papers of BTS with assignment marks 70 and above but in TS 07 in theory I scored 36 marks the result in that particular subject in grade card showed as incomplete.when contacted IGNOU they said that passing marks for theory paper is 40 and I have to give that paper again.no need to submit assignment papers again because I cleared all the assignments .even I missed chance for revaluation because by going through these sites I thought that I cleared all my papers and didn’t apply for revaluation.after I got confirmation from IGNOU that passing marks is 40 by that time revaluation time was over.

  23. I got 16 and 18 in two papers respectively out of 50 .in Ignou Bcom .i applied for revaluation only in the paper which i got 16 marks and iam a bcom final student

    1. Dear sir

      I got 19,21,20 marks in diploma in dairy technology.
      Please update what’s the marks is the qualification marks in diploma in dairy technology.

  24. In program MP course MS 08 I found grade D in theory exam means (40 to 49.9 marks) and in assignment grade C (50 to 59.9 marks) till date my status shown Not complete.

  25. Respected sir,
    I have passed my ignou b ed exam in 2020 but still not received my Mark’s sheets…… I checked at post office but not there. So plz suggest what to do

  26. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I have attended the December 2020 ignou exam in the month of March 2021 due to COVID-19. One subject 3rd of March 2021 (MCS-051) and another 11th of March 2021 (MCS-053), but still the result is not yet announced. Please let me know when the result of those 2 exam paper will be announced. Kindly do the needful.

    1. What is the pass mark for BEVAE181 bcom first year exam which was out of 50 for December 2021 exam?

    1. Individually or aggregate? I mean if I secure less than 40 in one paper but more in others ,shall I pass?

  27. Good morning sir/Madam
    Can you please tell me the pass mark of BNS041 and BNS042 In theory exam
    Pass mark of the practical exam
    In theory and practical how much marks to get pass
    Program code is BPCCHN / CCH

    1. Good morning sir I want to know pass marks in cch bns 041 and bns 042 plz reply sir

    2. Good evening sir/mam I want to know pass mark in CCH BNS-41and 42 please reply sir

    3. BNS041 CCH Ka jo exm date 04-03-2022 ko huaa he usme pasing marks kitne honge

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