IGNOU MIR-22 Study Material

IGNOU MIR-22 Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page to download each course of MIR-22 Study Material so you come at the right place. Here you will get everything for which you have come to here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of MIR-22 to our System and it is ready and available for all MIR-22 Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU PGCPP students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

List of Available MIR-22 Study Materials:

MIR-22 International Framework for Patent ProtectionClick to
Block-1WIPO Administered TreatiesDownload
Block-2WTO and TRIPSDownload
Block-3IPR Enforcement at International LevelDownload
Block-4Patent in Newer AreasDownload

Is it required to download MIR-22 Materials?

To attend IGNOU MIR-22 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your MIR-22 Assignments by using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of the Examination and you can get good marks in your Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice Programme Annual Exam with good grades.

3 thoughts on “IGNOU MIR-22 Study Material”

  1. Respected Sir/ Madam

    The contents of Blocks 1,2 & 4 of MIR-21 and MIR -22 are same. Kindly upload the MIR-22 Blocks-1,2 & 4.
    The hard copies of study material not yet delivered and 31st may 2022 is the last date submitting the assignments.
    Thanks and regards.

  2. Hello Sir/Madam,
    The content of Block-1 ,Block-2 and Block-4 of MIR-21 and MIR-22 are the same. However, the name of the blocks is different.
    Kindly clear the situation.

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