IGNOU MEG Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU MEG Assignment 2024 - IGNOU MEG Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the MEG program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU MEG Program.

We also inform all MEG students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU MEG program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of MEG assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

Also Read:

Program Code IGNOU MEG
Name of the Program Master of Arts (English)
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024
Category IGNOU Assignment 2024

List of IGNOU MEG Assignment 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU MEG Assignment Question Paper. The MEG students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU MEG Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU MEG Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025.

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU MEG Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU MEG Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of MEG Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your MEG Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of MEG Assignments.

98 thoughts on “IGNOU MEG Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

  1. Hi,

    I was out of town and missed the due date of assignments.
    Now, what should be my next step.
    Can I submit it now or I have to give exams in July 2020.


  2. Hi,
    I have taken admission in August 2019 for MEG. I have not yet received my course for the first year. How many assignments do I have to submit for first semester (MEG1, MEG2, MEG3, MEG4). And what is the date of examination for the first year?
    Can I appear in the exams for the first year that will be held next year?

  3. Sir, miane issi Saal nya admission liya h I have no idea ki mian apni 2019_2020 Meg k liye information or study material kaise collect kru kyuki abhi tk ignou se Meg 1 bhi received nhi Kiya h

  4. I hv completed first year of meg ,got my course book if second year…..but from where should i download the assignments questions..plss tell me..

  5. I am a 2nd year MEG student.My final examination is in December.Can you please give me solved assignments of MEG05,MEG07,MEG10,MEG14?
    Thank You

  6. To whomever it concern,
    I have taken admission for MEG -1 late admission in December 2018 when will I get my assignment question as I am waiting for MA first year question set.??? I hope you will tell me soon.

    Thank you

  7. Dear sir, pranam, I admitted in B.A English in 2017 but I did not appeared in exam and did not submitted assignment .sir help me what can I do in 2019.

  8. Is it necessary to copy the exact assignment answers which is available on ignou site or we can write in our own words also?

  9. I don’t submit my assignment on 31 march due to lack of study materials .So please tell me the next date of submission.My study centre is A.B.N Seal college,Koch Bihar

    1. Hello Prerna. Did you receive answer to your query? Even I want to know the answer.

  10. Hi
    I have joined in july 2018 in MEG Programme.Kindly put your view about the how many paper of Assignment of Compiulsory and Elective paper have to be submitted at RC.As i am getting MEG1-MEG 17 ,out of which 4 is compulsory and rest is elective.How i can decide ,its dilemma condition.Plz respond positively.

    Warm regards
    Kusum Kri.

  11. Sir I took admission in MEG programme in year 2014 and gave my first year exam in June 2015. What session assignment should I work upon for my 2nd year exam.

  12. Sir,

    I took admission in the month of July 2018.

    I still haven’t received my study material yet.

    And Sorry to say Sir but I m not even getting a proper response to my requests.

    I have been consistently addressing the same issue for the past 6 months.

    All I am sent is a link to study online instead.

    Sir there is a certain reason why I opted for physical material. If there wouldn’t have been a certain problem I would be facing then I would have chosen soft copy option instead. It would have saved me money too.

    How am I supposed to submit the assignment by 31st of March when the course material hasn’t even been dispatched to me even by 22nd Jan and still counting … ?

    My enrollment number is 185925762.

    The website doesn’t show the dispatch date for the study material either.

    Kindly look into the issue and please make the study material available to me as early as possible.

  13. Hello Sir
    I have taken admission july 2018 but I did not receive study material as well as questions of assignment,I am feeling helpless to submit assignment timely . please send it as soon as possible

  14. Hello Sir
    I have taken admission july 2018 but I did not receive study material as well as questions of assignment,I am feeling helpless to submit assignment timely . please send it as soon as possible.

  15. Sir Maine MEG IGNOU main admission liya hai August 2018 ka admission hai assignment Jo aapne post Kiya hai kya wo hi 2018 -19 ke student ke liye hai or mujhe kab tak submit Karne hoge

  16. I have registered MA ENG on 2016. but I didn’t attend even any exam and assignment. For first time I want to attend my first year exam on June 2019. which assignment have to submit? 2018-2019 ? or 2019- 2020? please reply?

  17. I took admission in MEG in January 2018

    My roll no. is this 181087611

    My questions is ;

    For which session I have to submit the assignments

    Is it 2017- 18 or 2018-19
    Please help me

  18. I have taken admission in MEG in August 2018 then when I have to submitted my assignment and when I have to appeared in the exam .plz suggest me

  19. I submitted my 2nd year assignment in march 16 but i did not get meg 11 assignment marks. Guide me if i have to submit this assignment again and which year assignment i have to submit.

  20. I had applied for MEG last year but I’ll sit for December TEE and I did not submit my assignments in March. Which assignments do I have to submit.

  21. i appeared june term end exam 2018 n results also declared today but assignmnt marks are not updated.. if any of my assignmnt marks is below the passing mark than i hv to re submit the assignmnt of the same questns which i hv submited for june xam or i hv to submit new one before dec xam 2018

  22. Sir i have taken admission in july 2017 but will appear for exams in Dec , so what is the last date to submitt my assignments???

  23. I have completed my exam but only 34 marks is shown on assignment table for meg 5. What should i do now.

  24. Sir, I read in Facebook update that the last date to submit assignment is 30thbApril. Is it right?

  25. Which is last date of submission for January 2018 meg batch.. I can see 30th September 2017. Isn’t it 30th September *2018*?

  26. Hai namaste sir, I am Avinash.
    I have got the MEG first year admission on July 2016 session. Now its second year, the term will complete on July 2018. But my question is I have not submitted any assignments and didn’t fill up the exam form and I didn’t write exam… shall I submit two years assignments at same time? ??? Shall I write two years exam? ????
    Please inform me

  27. Sir I had submitted my assignments for Meg 03,01 dated 26.03.2017 but I had not been able to sit for the examination. Whether I have to submit assignments for those papers? Please inform.

  28. I am chanchal from Tripura. I am studying in Meg (English) so far been study materials since not furnished to my address. Pin code no-799153.

  29. Hello sir
    I have joined ma in English course for 2017 2018 July session.but till now didn’t get full study material only Meg1 and Meg 2 I received.how can I submit my assignment in given time.can I extend my assignment and exam date like in September I will submit my assignment and exam in December.plz guide me…need some urgent help

  30. I am studying in MEG (English) 1st year and so far I have not submitted even a single assignment… is it ok if I submit all the four by mid March?

    1. Sir, still i have not received assignment questions and study materials of MEG-3 & MEG-4.How I,ll prepared my assignments before 31st March and also for exam. Plz send my study materials as soon as possible.

  31. I did not have receive my books for MEG 1st year. When I will get my all books ? Kindly send it to my address soon as soon.

  32. Yet l have not received my study materials of meg-02,MEG-03 ,and MEG-04 ,plz kindly try to send on my given address as soon as possible

  33. I am studying in MEG (English) and so far been study material since not furnished to my address 165378591

  34. The MEG 01-04 assignment instructions say, “Your answers should be on foolscap paper only”. What is foolscap? Is it a typo, for Full Scape paper?

  35. I appeared for my MEG first year TEE in June 2017. Till now, in this month of november the complete results are not out yet. One subject marks’ is still not declared on the website. How long will the result take? Also my books for the second sem have not arrived by post. Another long wait for that too. Any help suggestion from you?

  36. Sir, I would like to bring your kind attention that my enrollment no is 156523484,MEG appeared tee2017 but following problems have been arised till date as. * Meg10 and Meg 14. Result has not been published. * I have submitted all the assignments but results have​ not been published,. So kindly consider my request

  37. I have already submitted my assignment on 31st march, 2017. But, I didn’t appear in my TEE which was held on June 2017. I will appear on December 2017 TEE. So, should I need to submit my assignment once again?

    1. i missed my submission what should i do
      how and when i can submit. cordinators are being rude

    2. no need coz you hv already submit your assignment.now you just have to fill exam forms with fee and you can appear in your exams

    3. Sir I have taken admission in January in Meg when I will submit my assignment for December exam

    4. Hey. Im also doing the same course..can u share me ur details so that we can find each other nd seek our help to do assignments..

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