IGNOU Helpline Number & Contact Number – As we all know IGNOU is the largest university in India so there is no doubt that the largest university must have great student learning support and a helpline to guide students who joined IGNOU University for their studies. IGNOU candidates might be confused regarding the IGNOU Helpline Number for their various queries during their study with IGNOU. Therefore, the candidates will be answered here for their questions like whom to contact, where to contact, and when to contact for their questions and complaints.
Students are advised to contact the only concerned department to get a resolution to their queries and do not ask your questions to unrelated departments.
IGNOU Helpline Number
Students may often have several queries to be addressed either before IGNOU admission or afterward. IGNOU offers a helpline number where students can call and ask about their queries. If you have any general questions to ask for which the university does not offer any specific number, you can call on the helpline number 011-2957 1000.
IGNOU Student Helpline Number
If you are an existing student of IGNOU, the university offers a special helpline number for various questions and issues. In case you are facing any trouble or have any queries, you can contact the Student Helpline Number at 011-2957 2514 or 011-2957 2513.

IGNOU Delhi Contact Number
Students are usually suggested to contact their IGNOU Regional Centres for any specific issues they have. Also, there are several other numbers for specific departments as mentioned in this article. However, if you have some query because of which you wish to contact the SSC at the main office, you can contact the office in Delhi at the number 011-2957 2505.
List of IGNOU Helpline Number
We have prepared a table to inform you of the official contact number of the respective department to get a resolution to your query as fast as possible. You need to find the concerned department’s phone number according to your query and make a call to get a resolution.
Department | Contact Number |
IGNOU Telephone Exchange | (011) 29571000 |
IGNOU Study Material Status | (011) 29572008, (011) 29572013, (011) 29572012 |
Student Enquiries | (011) 29572514, (011) 29572513 |
IGNOU Assignment Marks | (011) 29571319 |
IGNOU Practical Marks | (011) 29572212 |
IGNOU Project Marks | (011) 29571324, (011) 29571321 |
Online Admission Help | (011) 29571528 |
Issuance of Degree Certificate | (011) 29572224, (011) 29535438 |
Degree Certificate Verification | (011) 29571524 |
Verification of Edu. Certificates | (011) 29572210 |
Exam Form, Entrance and Hall Ticket | (011) 29572209, (011) 29532088, (011) 29572202 |
Bachelor’s Degree Courses | (011) 29572211 |
Master Degree Courses | (011) 29572212 |
Diploma Courses | (011) 29572208 |
Certificate Courses | (011) 29572208 |
Ph.D. – M Phil programs | (011) 29534229, (011) 29571985, (011) 29534326, (011) 29571986, (011) 29571984 |
IGNOU Working Hours and Timing
IGNOU consists of students from various sections. Some can be just students while others can be working professionals. For everyone, the university has a specific time during which the authorities are available to answer queries and calls. All the IGNOU phone numbers will be available on the usual working days of Monday to Friday. You must call the numbers from 9:30 AM to 6 PM to seek a solution to your issue.
IGNOU Helpline Email IDs
If you are not comfortable calling up on the phone numbers, you can always write an email to the respective departments. Here are the emails of essential departments at the university.
Department | Official Email ID |
Director, SSC, IGNOU | directorssc@ignou.ac.in, ssc@ignou.ac.in |
International Students residing in India | internationaldivision@ignou.ac.in |
Convocation and Issue of Certificate | convocation@ignou.ac.in |
Registrar/ Hall-ticket, Entrance Test, and Attendance | sgoswami@ignou.ac.injitenderkr@ignou.ac.in |
Results and Gradecards for Bachelors and Masters | mdresult@ignou.ac.inbdresult@ignou.ac.in |
Practical Marks | practicalsed@ignou.ac.in |
Results and Gradecard of Diploma Level | dpresult@ignou.ac.in |
Results and Gradecard of Certificate Level | cpresult@ignou.ac.in |
Verification of Grade card and Provisional Certificate | gcverification@ignou.ac.in |
UFM Cases | ufmgroup@ignou.ac.in |
Projects, Viva, and Dissertation | projects@ignou.ac.in |
IGNOU Assignment Marks | assignment@ignou.ac.in |
Duplicate Marksheet and Other Grievances | sedgrievance@ignou.ac.in |
Marks and Gradecard-related Discrepancy | garora@ignou.ac.in |
The students are requested to check this page regularly to get updated and the latest helpline number for any queries related to IGNOU because IGNOU may change the number frequently due to many reasons.
If you don’t want to contact them through phone number then you can also contact or raise a complaint at the IGNOU iGRAM portal to get your queries resolved online within short days. It is noted that the response will be sent on working days only so if you register your query on Saturday or Sunday then your query will be answered on or after Monday Morning.
Hello Sir/mam
I clear MAH 1st exam in 2018 also my second year Re-registration in 2018 but could not give exam… so that can i give the exam in 2022 December session plzzzzzzz reply me pllzzzzzz🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I am Nasrin Begum, student of MSW and bearing enrollment no: 72114295, I have given term in examination in june 2019 for MSW 001,002 003,004,005,006 but I have not got any marks in MSW 001 and 002. Kindly solve my problem.
hello sir/madam
i am student of ma education .my all examination completed dec 2020.i need my mark sheet urgently.please help me.my enrollment number is 167855755
आदरणीय महोदय ऑनलाइन परीक्षा फार्म भरने के संबंध में कुछ पूछताछ है। परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने के दौरान मैंने अपने छात्र की गलत जन्मतिथि वह ईमेल आईडी डाल दी थी ।जन्म तिथि व ईमेल आईडी कैसे ठीक करना है ?कृपया मदद कीजिएगा ।
Sar mein February 2021 mein MHD ka exam di thi aur uska result bhi clear ho gaya hai ab main uska result aur provisional card kaise prapt karen please hamen bataen mujhe bahut jaruri hai. Mere agar bagal walon Ka Ghar per result marksheet a Gaya hai per Mera abhi tak Ghar Nahin pahuncha hai iske liye kya prakriya hai please mujhe bataye thank you
where is ignou center at korba,cg, please give contact number also
sir maine dwed k assignment 30 december mai submit kra tha ab tk marks add nhi hue kya kru ?
plz reply
I am stupdent of SIHM UDAIPUR, doing courses BHM IN HHA . I want to know weather 1ST and 2nd year student also have write there exam in August because sir as per my knowledge it is mentioned that the final year student and back log student have to write there exam in August .
Now sir there is total confusion. So please guide us weather we have to write our IGNOU exam in August or in December .
Sir I am not getting any update regarding practical exams of bsc. I was not in the list of eligible students for practical in the month of march 21. Now I am not getting any reply from ignou mail also. please reply to this query. How can I sit in practical in coming month of august 2021.
For the last 1 hours i am trying to contact on helpline numbers but they are not receiving the call
I have a question that i completed my graduation in 2018 form bdp program from ignou i received my marksheet but i don’t receive my degree till now i contact your team soo many time in this year but still i don’t get any solution i don’t no the process of getting dgree from ignou my experience is really vary worst my enrollment number is 156549850
I want to take admission for mca course .But due to covid crisis and flood in our region our university hadn’t conduct final bca exams(6th semester).So I do not have my graduation certificate .So please help me can I eligible to take admission for Mca July session .And if yes then can I give my 5th sem result as a educational qualification proof /document .Please help..
i am not satisfied in revaluation result
I am admitted BCOMG , Generated Enrollment number but I do not log in IGNOU Student Management system.
Sir kindly help me , so that I log in that Portal.
Santimay Maji
For the past half an hour I have been trying to contact IGNOU helpdesk from the numbers listed in helpline. But no one receives the call.
I have a question regarding the eligibility criteria for enrolling in the course “PGDRD” – Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development. I have an Bachelor in Engineering Degree in Information Technology. Am I eligible to enroll in PGDRD. Please confirm.
Shama Jabeen
Sir, I had completed my M.com from IGNOU in June 2018. I had not registered for the convocation. May I know from where I can collect my degree.
Dear sir/madam,
I am in urgent need of BSOC 105 TO BSOC 114 in hindi medium, either by way of physical book or it’s PDF. From BSOC 101 TO BSOC 104 is available in hindi medium but rests are not. Earlier i had requested about the same but no action taken till yet. I have also been an student of this prestigious organization having enrollment no. 064093960 and this time seeking your help for my urgent need.
I will bear the cost, imposed for making available the physical copy/book/pdf, but it’s my humble request to do the needful.
I hope your good sellf that this time you will read my email and help me.
I am B.Com Student. My all Exam completed in Dec 2020. I need my B.Com Marksheet Urgently. Please help me. My enrollment number 167627415
Sir I Swarnaprava Badhei, Enrollment number-197209446, Programme code -Mso Sir l by mistake fill the exam centre Bhubaneswar where I try to in Baripada near for me.But by mistake I wrong fill wrong place which about 250 k.m far away.So sir kindly help me to change exam centre.
Sir I’m student of ba final year.. Sir i have one subject enviromental chemistry(aec1) credit with 8.sir i want to know that is there lab work required or not even other three subject have same credit 8 total credit include this 32.enrolment no 166379518
Hello sir ,
I’m Nikita Singh. I have taken admission for Master of political science in January session 2021 . Enrollment no. 2100450875. But I haven’t got my books yet . Kindly make it .
Your best Regards ,
Nikita Singh
When will MA 1st year exam will be held of session june 2020?
Sir I am lata vitthalsing gomladu mera enrollment no 180626875 hai 8 jully 2021 ko mswl002 ke marks lab 1 ke 40 and lab to ke 72 ase dikhai de rahe hai aur status me not complited aisa status hai iska kya matlab hai meno to sab project pura karake hi project submit kiya tha to not complited ku dikhai de raha hai so please help me
Sir My entrol number 185150898. My grade card recently update 2nd marks (promotion) 49 each subject .But 1st year got written marks 60 percent (4credit 30+32+28+32 and 8 credit 61).There be mistake calculation .Please check my grade 1st year percentage and update write percentage to my grade card ..
Can i do BSc Clinical Nutrition after completing DNHE AND CFN?
Sir mai IGNOU me admission lena chahta hoo , sir maine form bhara tha to sit raibareli ka college dikha rha tha sir mujhe Lucknow me college chahiye.
when will the MAPC admissions start for july session?
Hlo sir mne 2020 dec me MA me form fill kiya tha so uss time fees ke liye bola tha ki fees maaf kr dijaegi or re registration 2nd year me bhi fees maafi ka notification aaya h but option nhi de rhe h so Kya kre sir pls help me
my enrolment no is 150502294 .
I have took admission in Jan 2015 in mps
& I have completed my all TTE courses in june 2019
submitted all assignments .but my assignments grades didn’t updated still. plz guide me… that how can I extend my validity….
I have attended MBA OPENMAT Exam which was held on April 11 2021. I wish to know whether the result has been published or not? If not , when would they publish the result?
Sir/Madam in july session mca admission will be opened or not?????
Have you found anything related to IGNOU MCA admission? I’m also trying to enroll in the same course but couldn’t find any option to do so online
Hi sir/madam
my mark for BNS 102 not included in my grade card, i have given the exam but result not included for the same
Dear Sir / Madam,
I want to take admission in MBA distance education how can i apply for this and what is the procedure.
Sir/Madam, Enr no.-086774024,Name-Pankaj Kumar,S/O-Rampukar Singh,Pin-804404,Gaya,Bihar,I completed all modules exam (DPE).But I couldn’t received my DPE certificate.I want to take my certificate as soon. I am ready for any fees & conditions.
Sir / Madam, can I take admission to a Post Graduate course & Certificate course of 6 months at a time in the ongoing admission 2021?
sir Meri degree ab tk nahi mili mera result bi aaga h mera enrollment no=197807065 sir please request you urgent h sir
Sir, i ‘am PUJA KUMARI ,had completed MCA in year dec 2019 ,how can i get my original certificate ,i have need of it in documents verification.due to covid 19 pandemic i had missed the opportunity to apply for 34 convocation,please suggest me the way now how can get it by post or rc patna .
Sir I’m indu my assignment no not updating plz check my enrolment is 177984529 thank you
Respected Sir,
I have some inquiry regarding online exam form fill up.
During exam form fill up I had put wrong Date of Birth of my student. Is it really matter in marks sheet or any IGNOU certificate!
So I am quite worried about it how will I correct the date of birth ?
Kindly help me!
Special mention; At time of admission I had given authentic date of birth with supported documents.
Sr m ignou BA student.my all exam completed in dec 2020.i need my BA marksheet urgently .plz help me .my roll numb 162062674
I want to apply for DNHE course. Could you please help me with that?
Sir, kya ignou university se mba course available hai in Hr or Marketing me…
If hai then new admission in mba ke kab se start honge…
respected ma’am / sir
ive enrolled for DNHE course in January 2020…..but due to some personal problems due to pandemic could not submit the assignment…
now pls guide me till what date i can submit the assignment
Sir /Mam,
My assignment and Mec-004 (Master of economic)
marks are not included in the marksheet and assignment submit on 6th Oct 2019. Sir kindly
Request plz check my enrollment no – 191724188
Programme name – MEC
Sir mera mobile no and email I’d change krna h pls help me
Respected Sir/Madam,
My result for Master of Arts in History (Feb 2021) bearing enrollment number 192247395 is still not reflected till today. I earnestly request you to help me regarding my results.
Iam not getting Id card and enrollment num
Hello sir/mam, my self Sabita Nayak i am the Students of BPP course 2014-15 Batch i have not Receive my GRADE card and Certificate plz guide me to how to receive my Certificate
My assignment and IBO01 (m.com) marks are not included in a marksheet.
Sir, kindly request plz check. Enrollment number:- 2000928600, program name:- m.com
Hello sir/mam mere BA ke assignment ke mark update Nahi huye hai ,Maine Apne assignment NOV 2020 Me hi submit Kar diye magar mere assignment abi tak update Nahi huye,please assignment kab tak update honge muje competition ke form fill Karne hai ..
I have registered for IGNOU Open Mat Entrance Exam on 03/10/2021.
in the preview Section It is Showing.
Your application form has been successfully submitted for MP Programe..
But i Did’t got any enrollment number after that.
iI just got An email that Entrance exam admit card available.
when i tried to download it was asking for an enrollment no.
i tried contacting Ignou Helpline number But every damn Number is out of Reach.
please tell me what to do.
Mai Niraj kumar, mera inrollment no. 2003379252 h
Mera session 2020-22 h or mujhe re-registration krana h. Mera user id or password yad nhi h or mera email hack ho chuka h sir. Plz help me
I have join BAG program but second semester one subject (bcos 183) assignment are not founded on web site
Please help me
Sir/ Madam
I am January 2020 admission cycle Mcom student; I could not re-register for the 2nd year in January 2021. So can I able to re-register for 2nd year in July 2021 re-registration session.
I have not received my class 12 result till 30 June
Cbse class 12 results are going to declare till 31 July
But admission are open only till 15th July how can I take provisional admission
Hi i have the same issue.Did you figure out a solution?
Same problem..please tell you sort it out
Same problem.
I have submitted my assignment on rcd2assignments@ignou.ac.in .. but don’t have received any kind of confirmation.. please suggest.. I had also went to my study centre but it’s closed ..