IGNOU Helpline Number 2024: IGNOU Contact Number (All Over India)

IGNOU Helpline Number & Contact Number – As we all know IGNOU is the largest university in India so there is no doubt that the largest university must have great student learning support and a helpline to guide students who joined IGNOU University for their studies. IGNOU candidates might be confused regarding the IGNOU Helpline Number for their various queries during their study with IGNOU. Therefore, the candidates will be answered here for their questions like whom to contact, where to contact, and when to contact for their questions and complaints.

Students are advised to contact the only concerned department to get a resolution to their queries and do not ask your questions to unrelated departments.

IGNOU Helpline Number

Students may often have several queries to be addressed either before IGNOU admission or afterward. IGNOU offers a helpline number where students can call and ask about their queries. If you have any general questions to ask for which the university does not offer any specific number, you can call on the helpline number 011-2957 1000.

IGNOU Student Helpline Number

If you are an existing student of IGNOU, the university offers a special helpline number for various questions and issues. In case you are facing any trouble or have any queries, you can contact the Student Helpline Number at 011-2957 2514 or 011-2957 2513.

IGNOU Helpline Number

IGNOU Delhi Contact Number

Students are usually suggested to contact their IGNOU Regional Centres for any specific issues they have. Also, there are several other numbers for specific departments as mentioned in this article. However, if you have some query because of which you wish to contact the SSC at the main office, you can contact the office in Delhi at the number 011-2957 2505.

List of IGNOU Helpline Number

We have prepared a table to inform you of the official contact number of the respective department to get a resolution to your query as fast as possible. You need to find the concerned department’s phone number according to your query and make a call to get a resolution.

Department Contact Number
IGNOU Telephone Exchange (011) 29571000
IGNOU Study Material Status (011) 29572008, (011) 29572013, (011) 29572012
Student Enquiries (011) 29572514, (011) 29572513
IGNOU Assignment Marks (011) 29571319
IGNOU Practical Marks (011) 29572212
IGNOU Project Marks (011) 29571324, (011) 29571321
Online Admission Help (011) 29571528
Issuance of Degree Certificate (011) 29572224, (011) 29535438
Degree Certificate Verification (011) 29571524
Verification of Edu. Certificates (011) 29572210
Exam Form, Entrance and Hall Ticket (011) 29572209, (011) 29532088, (011) 29572202
Bachelor’s Degree Courses (011) 29572211
Master Degree Courses (011) 29572212
Diploma Courses (011) 29572208
Certificate Courses (011) 29572208
Ph.D. – M Phil programs (011) 29534229, (011) 29571985, (011) 29534326, (011) 29571986, (011) 29571984

IGNOU Working Hours and Timing

IGNOU consists of students from various sections. Some can be just students while others can be working professionals. For everyone, the university has a specific time during which the authorities are available to answer queries and calls. All the IGNOU phone numbers will be available on the usual working days of Monday to Friday. You must call the numbers from 9:30 AM to 6 PM to seek a solution to your issue.

IGNOU Helpline Email IDs

If you are not comfortable calling up on the phone numbers, you can always write an email to the respective departments. Here are the emails of essential departments at the university.

Department Official Email ID
Director, SSC, IGNOU directorssc@ignou.ac.in, ssc@ignou.ac.in
International Students residing in India internationaldivision@ignou.ac.in
Convocation and Issue of Certificate convocation@ignou.ac.in
Registrar/ Hall-ticket, Entrance Test, and Attendance sgoswami@ignou.ac.injitenderkr@ignou.ac.in
Results and Gradecards for Bachelors and Masters mdresult@ignou.ac.inbdresult@ignou.ac.in
Practical Marks practicalsed@ignou.ac.in
Results and Gradecard of Diploma Level dpresult@ignou.ac.in
Results and Gradecard of Certificate Level cpresult@ignou.ac.in
Verification of Grade card and Provisional Certificate gcverification@ignou.ac.in
UFM Cases ufmgroup@ignou.ac.in
Projects, Viva, and Dissertation projects@ignou.ac.in
IGNOU Assignment Marks assignment@ignou.ac.in
Duplicate Marksheet and Other Grievances sedgrievance@ignou.ac.in
Marks and Gradecard-related Discrepancy garora@ignou.ac.in

The students are requested to check this page regularly to get updated and the latest helpline number for any queries related to IGNOU because IGNOU may change the number frequently due to many reasons.

If you don’t want to contact them through phone number then you can also contact or raise a complaint at the IGNOU iGRAM portal to get your queries resolved online within short days. It is noted that the response will be sent on working days only so if you register your query on Saturday or Sunday then your query will be answered on or after Monday Morning.

1,005 thoughts on “IGNOU Helpline Number 2024: IGNOU Contact Number (All Over India)”

  1. मैंने एम॰ ए सोशलॉजी दिसंबर 2015 में कंप्लीट किया है अब डिग्री कैसे मिलेगी कृपा करके बताएं

  2. Hlo sir my name is shivam mishrammy enrollment no 185036053.i have completed my BA final exam in Jun 21.and my grade card updated in dec 21 .but sir when my marksheet not come till April 22 .so I mailed to regional center .they said your AHE01 project partially completed.so i submit my project of AHE01 in April 22.but till now not updated in grade card .or not received my marksheet till now.what is next process .pls suggest me.

  3. either not getting, where to from find out assignments or not know about the session. Actually my admission period is Jan 2022 and assignment period’s validation June 2021 to July 2022. Let me clear, I have to make this assignment or not, or another assignment will come. it is humble request to solve my query as soon as possible.

  4. Respect Sir/Mam

    I’m married women, I am from scheduled caste and SC certificate in my name.

    Whose income certificate do I have to attach from my husband or parents for admission in IGNOU?

    as soon as possible.

    Thanking you

  5. Dear sir/Madam
    I am virendra kumar sharma Enrolment No:083270078 PM student , my MS95 TERM END THEORY and MS100 PROJECT mark’s was not showing please see.

  6. Dear Sir/Ma’am
    Can I given exam in outside our regional center and study center? My regional center at Darbhanga and study center at Bettiah Bihar but I want to given this term exam in Ludhiana.
    Please do the needful

  7. Sir mera name Sourav Pathania hai. Or ma sir M.A. ( Hindi) ka student hu or ma jb second year ke liye apply kr RHA hu to mera username or password incorrect bta RHA hai SB jagah PR mera enrollment no sir not found. Please sir help me. Sir mera Enrollment no hai:- 2005556969.

  8. Hello, i have query regarding my graduation degree verification which was sent by j& k state tax department Solina, Rambagh Srinagar on 26 March 2022, which reached Delhi IGNOU office on 30th March 2022. I want to know the current status of that

  9. Dear Sir,

    I haven’t received my study material yet, requesting your help on the same.
    please find the attachment for your reference.

    MY Enrollment Number is 2200324926

  10. I am already submitted my first year and second year assignment 15 april by mail when will be my marks update

  11. Dear Sir,
    Please find the enclosed assignment receipt of my assignment submission through offline as hardcopy, i have received this with my assignment submission.

    also i ‘ m sending you my snapshot copy of Assignment for same subject – AHE01

    And I have submitted student greivance also on IGNOU website. Against token no. 0732221046093

    Kindly update this, i will be very thankful to you.


  12. Abhi tak mera Assignment Marks update nahin hua hai jabke maine total papers ka assignment Study centre , Rourkel mein fixed time se pehle hi submit ker diya hoon My roll number is – 2100470655 Course – BAPSH

  13. My enrollment no 166385876.Student of B.A political Science.I have submitted my 3 rd year assignments.I am yet not seeing the results.many of students got assignment marks.but my marks is not updated in grade card even after completing term end result

  14. Good Morning Sir / Madam,
    I want to transfer from IGNOU – The People’s University Delhi-2 Regional Center to Bihar, Patna Regional Center, what should I do for this.

  15. सर मुझे Msw2वर्ष कि 15,16विषय कि प्रॅक्टिकल (ग्रुप वर्क, केस वर्क pdf हिंदी चाहिये जिसका लिंक हो तो मै तयार कर लु लिंक मिसिंग हें केवल इंग्लिश हे मुझे हिंदी चहिये

    1. Greetings of the day, this is Atharva Kulkarni,
      My concern is that I have submitted assignments – BEGE 103 & TS 03 (BHM Programme) in June 2021 session and still it’s showing not completed on my grade card, so I would like to know why is the website not showing it.

  16. I want help for migration certificate documents
    me kya kya lgta hai
    Please help ignou migration certificate

  17. Sir mai kisi reason se assignment submit nhi kar paayi hu toh kya mai exam nhi de skti hu ba 1st year ke??

    1. I mistakenly took admission in new delhi as my regional centre. Please guide me change it too my home state which is gauhati , Assam. I already paid 6k for my bsw course , will i have to pay it again as a new admission in my state.

  18. SIR
    I WANT TO TAKE OUR DAUGHTER ADMISSION IN BSc ( bachelor of science ) with physics chemistry, mathematics subject
    through IGNOU


  19. Sir meine M.a sociology 2018 m pass kr liya tha abhi tk meri marksheet Or degree nhi aayi h pls btaiye kaise milegi???

  20. my enrollment no is 2001477917. student of MA Philosophy.
    I have submitted my second year assignments . I am yet not seeing the results. many of students got assignment marks. why not for me?
    please help.

  21. Online Practical Marks of one sub BLIE227 of BLIS Exam Jun 2021 is not updated.
    Please guide what to do?

  22. Sir I applied for revolution of the subject BES 128 but unfortunately the result not declared till date for the year 2021

  23. I have submitted my Project Report of MARD bearing subject code MRDP001 on November, 2021 through online but the Marks of this subject is not updated till now. My Grade Card status is showing Not Completed against this subject. Please help me regarding this problem.

  24. I want to do PhD in ENVS. I am M. Sc in ENVS with 55% marks. What will be the procedure of admission.

  25. Hi Myself Daniel Jude Dsilva got admission in July 2020 course BA (BAG) and my Enrollment number is 2006401452. I submitted assignment for my first year on Sep 2021 but I didn’t get any acknowledgement from my Mangalore study centre.So kindly advise me how to get the status of my submitted assignment.
    second question is now I am in Dubai and want to submit my assignment for 2nd year as well. So please let me know how can I submit my assignment and get the acknowledgement for the 2nd year as well.

  26. I am Himal student of bca 1St semister programme.
    I am unable to find practical date sheet online and offline
    Please help by providing practical exam date sheet.

  27. सर मैने pgdrd 20-21 मे एग्ज़ाम दी है,मेरे ग्रेड कार्ड मे सब सब्जेक्ट कम्प्लीट था।पर अब ग्रेड कार्ड मे प्रोजेक्ट का ग्रेड जुड़ने पर मेरा सब्जेक्ट MRDE 101 जो की नॉट कम्प्लीट बता रहा है ।और मेरा मार्क शीट भी अब तक नही पहुचा हैं ।प्लीज हेल्प मी।
    मेरा रोल no- 197195878

  28. I have applied for course MAJY on 29th March 2022..paid the fees also.. Can’t trace my status and enrolment number.. Contact number is also busy.. Kindly check my status.

  29. Sir ,maine dece program June 2021 complete kar liya .abhi tak us ki mark sheet nahi aayi.please help me.

    1. मैने जून 2021 में पूरा कर लिया ।अभी तक मार्कशीट नही आई है 🙏🙏

  30. Whenever i call them related assignments marks update status, they always said call us later.
    I would request you to look and resolve students queries as 1st priority.

  31. I have submitted my B.S.W 4th paper assignment on dec 2019 but it is not updated till now .this subject was from my 2nd yr . Now all my assignment marks theory marks and project marks is updated except of this above mention one subject . My grade card is showing incomplete.l have contact to study centre but there is no response.
    Please help me regarding this problem.

    1. same thing is happening to me for bpcs 186 BAG COURSE 2nd year if anyone has any idea to resolve it ,please let me know🙏

  32. I have submitted my FST 01 assignment and my assignment Marks are not updated till now.
    This subject was from my 2nd year and now my all assignments marks are updated except of this one subject. I have emailed this query to SED but no response has been given by them. I submitted the assignments online.

  33. Sir My query is related to admission in awareness program of gst. While filling form I am not getting option of this course. Please help out.

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