IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BCom A&F program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BCom A&F Program.

We also inform all BCom A&F students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BCom A&F program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BCom A&F assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

Also Read:

Program Code IGNOU BCom A&F
Name of the Program Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Account & Finance
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024
Category IGNOU Assignment 2024

List of IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment Question Paper. The BCom A&F students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025.

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU BCom A&F Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BCom A&F Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BCom A&F Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BCom A&F Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BCom A&F Assignments.

202 thoughts on “IGNOU BCom A&F Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

  1. Sir,
    I have registered for this course for May 2018 exam but due to some reasons, I was not able to give the exam.
    I want to give my exam in June 2019 so Can I give it without any trouble.
    Do I have to Fill an exam form and if yes then when is the last date?
    Do the same assignments applicable to me as written above.

  2. Sir,
    Are these assignments not available on the website
    When will you update these assignments. Plz. inform me correct detail.

  3. Sir..I registered for bcom a&f in july 2016…and since i did not submit the assignment in september 2018, i was ineligible to write the exam in dec 2018.Now I am planning to write the June 2019 exam..and in order to submit the assignment before March 2019, I was confused as to which set of assignments is applicable in my case?
    List of bcom assignments for 2017- 18 OR
    List of bcom assignments for 2018 -19 (but it states the session is from july 2018 to January 2019). OR
    Will any new list of assignments be updated for that period..please reply

  4. Sir! But in the ignou.ac.in website b. Com A& F assignments for 2018-19 are not available. For 2017-2018 also only 3 papers are given there, but above you have given for every subject. For 2018-19, i found that above documents are available in ignou. ac. in website under b. Com not under b. Com A & F. Is this the correct for june 2019 exams for b. Com A & F?

  5. Please Tell me which assignment is to be submitted for Dec 2018 TEE. Whether it is 2017-18 or 2018-19? and please provide BSHF 101 latest if 2018-19 session applicable.

  6. Hi I have enrolled in July 2016 session and wanted to appear for Dec 2018 term end exams , so I should submit Assignments 2017-18 or Assignments 2018-19 to take my exams in Dec 2018 ? please do let me know.

  7. Sir,
    I have enrolled for June 2019 B.Com (A and F) are these assignments applicable for me because its confusing as it mentions 2017-18 in one place and 2018-19 in the other. If possible can you please attach a link of assignments that are applicable for me in your reply comment or mail me.
    Thank you !

  8. Sir I’m a bcom student I really confused about that what is the last date of submission of my bcom assignment. Can u tell me bcoz 15 sep is gone And I’m not compltd and submit my assignment so can I submit on 31 St sep

  9. Dear sir,
    I have registered for January 2018 cycle … can I download above assignments and submit for this Dec 2018 TEE. I have doubt because. .. the above are not available in ignou.ac.in

  10. Dear Sir,

    I have to appear for Dec 2018 B com (A&F) Exams. I have not received any assignments with my books, please do tell from where can I get the assignments because when i download from IGNOU website only 3 assignments are available whereas some friends of mine have prepared 6 assignments.

  11. sir, please Kindly forward me the EEC11 assignment applicable for IGNOU BCom A&F Assignments July 2017 – January 2018

  12. I have submitted assignment for June 2018 examination within due date. but due to some reasons I could not appear for exam and I have not filled examination form either. please let me know do I need to do assignment again??

  13. Hi Ignou Helpdesk. I have registered for December 2018 session in bcom A&F. Request you to please tell which assignments do I need to prepare?

  14. Hello, Team
    I have found the missing assignments for the subjects on this website and I have also downloaded assignments from this website (https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/assignments/) too.
    The above website provides assignments for Audit, Export documentations and Business Environment and the rest of an assignments I found here, So my question is that whether this website is valid for the IGNOU assignments?

  15. Sir ,
    I have registered for Bcom A & F , July 2018 . While checking for assistant in the Ignou site , it is shown that subjects like ,” AED-1,ECO-12, & ECO -13 ” is required to be submitted. But later when I got my textbooks​ , i found 3 more assignment question for ” BEGF 101, FEG 2, FST 1″. My query is that, is I need to submit assignments​ for All these 6 subjects. kindly reply me as soon as possible.

  16. Sir i have got only 2 assignment papers for b.com that is BEGF-101 and BSHF-101.
    Is there any more assignments for b.com 1st year pls reply

  17. Dear Sir,
    I have not received study materials for two subjects (BEGE-104 and AED-01) to write their tutor marked assignments. The study material isn’t available online as well. Kindly advise.

    Thank you.

  18. I have registered bcom a&f on july 2016 I haven’t submitted assignments so far which are relevant assignments to be submitted
    My courses are
    Sir is there any late submission fee for assignments

  19. FST 1 is available for year 2016-17. Please clarify on it. whether to Consider the same or new assignment will be uploaded?

  20. Dear Sir,

    Assignments for FST- 01, FHD – 02, BHDF – 101 for July 2018 exams are not available above. Can you please help for the same by forwarding them.

  21. I have appeared on june 2016 exams all the assignments have been submitted before the due date, and i have cleared the exam as well but in the grade card on assignment marks for EEG-04 is shown incomplete. what is the solution to this problem ?

  22. Sir, i will be giving exam for B. Com A&F in june 2018. For that i cannot find assignment related to FST1. How to get the questions for same?

  23. Sir, i am going to give exams for bcom A&F in may 2018, is this the final set of assignments to submit to appear for exams ?

  24. hello sir this is sumit ranjan

    i have not submitted assignment yet . can i submit the assignment of before due nov 15 2017 .. for filling the exm form .

  25. Dear sir

    I am appearing for exams in June 2018, is this the final set of Assignments for June 2018 exam students?

  26. Respected sir,

    I am Karthik putrevu enrolled for BOCM A&F with IGNOU in January 2017 and I wish to appear in December 2017 exam, are the above assignments relevant for being eligible for December 2017 exams.

  27. hi, can someone help me with the procedire to get the centre changed, i have registered for bcomaf in the delhi-1 centre but now i have shifted to jaipur.

  28. Dear Helpdesk,
    I have registered in IGNOU on JULY 2015 and my admission is valid till 2021. So, can I submit my assignment now and appear for the Dec 2017 exam? Also, which year assignment i have to submit? Is it 2015-16 assignment or latest 2017-18 assignment?

    Please help.

    Jeevan Lalchan

  29. Dear sir
    I registerd for b.com a&f . My attempt is comes in December 2017 , what’s the last date for submission of assighnment whether 15 Sep or 30 Sep
    Kindly please comment

  30. Dear sir, i enrolled myself in july2016 BCOM A&F, so now i want to appear for dec 2017 exam, so which assignment do i have to submit 2016-17 or 2017 -18 given above??

  31. Dear sir,

    Due date for submission of my eco-13 and aed-1 are 15 sept 17. but my study centre opens on sunday only.Last time i went was on 13 th of sept and it was not open and coming sunday falls on 17 th sept. So now what shall be the consequences please clarify?
    Wil i be able to write my exam on Dec 17.

  32. Sir I enrolled myself in June 2016 and now wish to appear for Dec 2017 exams. Please guide me whether I have to prepare assignments for the papers given for year 2017-18 or the year 2016-17

  33. sir
    Kindly forward me the FEG 02 assignment applicable for IGNOU BCom A&F Assignments July 2017 – January 2018

  34. Sir,
    To submit the assignment is it compulsory that the student has to come or can anyone like parents or friends can submit ?

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