IGNOU BAG Study Material & Books

IGNOU BAG Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page to download each collection of BAG Study Material then you come to the right place. First of all, we would like to inform all our students that IGNOU University has implemented the CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) method in the BAG (BA General) program from the current academic session. The study material is now revised for CBCS students and our team has started to upload the new books for the revised course.

We have uploaded all available Study Materials of BAG to our System and it is ready and available for all BAG Students. We provide all study materials to IGNOU BAG students free of cost and they can download them easily and without registration need.

IGNOU BAG (Honours) Study Materials

  1. IGNOU BASOH Study Material
  2. IGNOU BSCANH Study Material
  3. IGNOU BAECH Study Material
  4. IGNOU BAEGH Study Material
  5. IGNOU BAPSH Study Material
  6. IGNOU BAHIH Study Material
  7. IGNOU BAPCH Study Material
  8. IGNOU BAPAH Study Material
  9. IGNOU BAUDH Study Material
  10. IGNOU BASKH Study Material

List of Available IGNOU BAG Study Material:

BANC-131मानव विज्ञान और शोध विधिDownload
BANC-131Anthropology and Research MethodsDownload
BANC-132Fundamentals of Biological AnthropologyDownload
BANC-132जैविक मानव विज्ञान के मूल सिद्धांतDownload
BANC-133Fundamentals of Social and Cultural AnthropologyDownload
BANC-133सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक मानवविज्ञान के मूल तत्वDownload
BANC-134Fundamentals of Archaeological AnthropologyDownload
BANC-134पुरातात्विक मानवविज्ञान के मूलतत्वDownload
BANE-145Applied AnthropologyDownload
BANE-145अनुप्रयुक्त मानवविज्ञानDownload
BANE-146Anthropology of Indigenous PeopleDownload
BANE-146स्वदेशी लोगों का मानव विज्ञानDownload
BANS-183Tourism AnthropologyDownload
BANS-183पर्यटन मानव विज्ञानDownload
BANS-184Public Health and EpidemiologyDownload
BANS-184सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और महामारी विज्ञानDownload
BECC-131व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-IDownload
BECC-131Principles of Microeconomics-iDownload
BECC-132Principles of Microeconomics-IIDownload
BECC-132व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धान्त-IIDownload
BECC-133Principles of Macroeconomics-IDownload
BECC-133समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-IDownload
BECC-134Principles of Macroeconomics-IIDownload
BECC-134समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-IIDownload
BECE-145Indian Economy-IDownload
BECE-145भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-IDownload
BECE-146Indian Economy-IIDownload
BECE-146भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-IIDownload
BHIC-131History of India from the Earliest Times up to 300 C.E.Download
BHIC-131भारत का इतिहास: प्राचीनतम काल से लगभग 300 सी.ई. तकDownload
BHIC-132भारत का इतिहास: लगभग 300 सी. ई. से 1206 तकDownload
BHIC-132History of India from c. 300 to 1206Download
BHIC-133History of India From C.1206-1707Download
BHIC-133भारत का इतिहास C.1206-1707Download
BHIC-134History of India 1707-1950Download
BHIC-134भारत का इतिहास: 1707-1950Download
BHIE-141History of China C. 1840-1978Download
BHIE-141चीन का इतिहास : 1840-1978Download
BHIE-142History of Modern East Asia: Japan (C.1868 – 1945)Download
BHIE-142आधुनिक पूर्वी एशिया का इतिहास: जापान (1868-1945)Download
BHIE-143History of EnvironmentDownload
BHIE-143पर्यावरण का इतिहासDownload
BHIE-144Traditions of History Writing in IndiaDownload
BHIE-144भारत में इतिहास लेखन की परम्पराएँDownload
BHIE-145Some Aspects of European History 1789-1945Download
BHIE-145यूरोपीय इतिहास के कुछ पहलू 1789-1945Download
Political Science
BPSC-131Introduction to Political TheoryDownload
BPSC-131राजनीत्तिक सिद्धांत का परिचयDownload
BPSC-132Indian Government and PoliticsDownload
BPSC-132भारतीय सरकार और राजनितिDownload
BPSC-133Comparative Government and PoliticsDownload
BPSC-133तुलनात्मक शासन और राजनीतिDownload
BPSC-134Introduction of International RelationsDownload
BPSC-134अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध का परिचयDownload
BPSE-141Gandhi and the Contemporary WorldDownload
BPSE-141गाँधी और समसामयिक विश्वDownload
BPSE-142India’s Foreign Policy in a Globalising WorldDownload
BPSE-142वैश्वीकरण की दुनिया में भारत की विदेश नितिDownload
BPSE-143State Politics in IndiaDownload
BPSE-143भारत में राज्य की राजनीतीDownload
BPSE-144Introduction to South AsiaDownload
BPSE-144दक्षिण एशिया का एक परिचयDownload
BPSE-145Democracy and Development in Northeast IndiaDownload
BPSE-145पूर्वोत्तर भारत में लोकतंत्र एवं विकासDownload
BPSE-146Conflict Resolution and Peace BuildingDownload
BPSE-146संघर्ष समाधान और शांति स्थापनDownload
BPCC-131Foundation of Psychology (T+P)Download
BPCC-131मनोविज्ञान का आधारDownload
BPCC-132सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान: एक परिचयDownload
BPCC-132Introduction to Social PsychologyDownload
BPCC-133Psychological DisordersDownload
BPCC-133मनोवैज्ञानिक विकारDownload
BPCC-134Statistical Methods and Psychological ResearchDownload
BPCC-134सांख्यिकी विधियाँ और मनोवैज्ञानिक शोधDownload
BPCE-145Counselling PsychologyDownload
BPCE-145परामर्श मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCE-146Industrial / Organizational PsychologyDownload
BPCE-146औद्योगिक एवं संगठनात्मक मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCG-171General PsychologyDownload
BPCG-171सामन्य मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCG-172Youth, Gender, and IdentityDownload
BPCG-172युवा, जेंडर एवं पहचानDownload
BPCG-173Psychology for Health and Well beingDownload
BPCG-173स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के लिए मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCG-174Psychology and MediaDownload
BPCG-174मनोविज्ञान और मीडियाDownload
BPCG-175Psychology for LivingDownload
BPCG-175जीवन यापन के लिए मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCG-176Psychology of GenderDownload
BPCG-176लिंग मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCS-183Emotional IntelligenceDownload
BPCS-183सांवेगिक बुद्धिDownload
BPCS-184School PsychologyDownload
BPCS-184विद्यालय मनोविज्ञानDownload
BPCS-185Developing Emotional CompetenceDownload
BPCS-185सांवेगिक सक्षमता का विकासDownload
BPCS-186Managing StressDownload
BPCS-186तनाव प्रबंधनDownload
BPCS-187Managing Human ResourcesDownload
BPCS-187मानव संसाधनों का प्रबंधनDownload
BPCS-188Applications of Social PsychologyDownload
BPCS-188सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान का अनुप्रयोगDownload
Public Administration
BPAC-131Perspectives on Public AdministrationDownload
BPAC-131लोक प्रशासन के विभिन्न परिप्रेक्ष्यDownload
BPAC-132Administrative ThinkersDownload
BPAC-132प्रशासनिक विचारकDownload
BPAC-133Administrative System at Union LevelDownload
BPAC-133केंद्रीय स्तर पर प्रशासनिक प्रणालीDownload
BPAC-134Administrative System at State and District LevelsDownload
BPAC-134राज्य एवं ज़िला स्तरों पर प्रशासनिक प्रणालीDownload
BPAE-141Right to InformationDownload
BPAE-141सूचना का अधिकारDownload
BPAE-142Organisational BehaviourDownload
BPAE-142संगठनात्मक व्यवहारDownload
BPAE-143Administrative System in BRICSDownload
BPAE-143ब्रिक्स में प्रशासनिक प्रणालीDownload
BPAE-144Social Policies and AdministrationDownload
BPAE-144सामाजिक नीतियां और प्रशासनDownload
BPAG-171Disaster ManagementDownload
BPAG-171आपदा प्रबंधनDownload
BPAG-172Governance: Issues and ChallengestDownload
BPAG-172शासन : मुद्दे और चुनौतियाँDownload
BPAG-174Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
BPAG-174सतत विकासDownload
BPAS-186Stress and Time ManagementDownload
BPAS-186तनाव एवं समय प्रबंधनDownload
BPAS-184Logistics ManagementDownload
BPAS-184संभारण प्रबंधनDownload
BSOC-131समाजशास्त्र का परिचयDownload
BSOC-131Introduction to SociologyDownload
BSOC-132Sociology of IndiaDownload
BSOC-132भारतीय समाजशास्त्रDownload
BSOC-133Sociological TheoriesDownload
BSOC-133समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धान्तDownload
BSOC-134Methods for sociological inquiryDownload
BSOC-134समाजशास्त्रीय जांच के तरीकेDownload
BSOE-141Urban SociologyDownload
BSOE-141नगरीय समाजशास्त्रDownload
BSOE-142Indian Sociological TraditionsDownload
BSOE-142भारतीय समाजशास्त्रीय परंपराएँDownload
BSOE-143Environmental SociologyDownload
BSOE-143पर्यावरण समाजशास्त्रDownload
BSOE-144Reading EthnographiesDownload
BSOE-144नृवंशविज्ञान अध्ययनDownload
BSOE-145Religion And SocietyDownload
BSOE-145धर्म और समाजDownload
BSOE-146Marriage, Family and KinshipDownload
BSOE-146विवाह, परिवार एवं नातेदारीDownload
BSOE-148Social StartificationDownload
BSOE-148सामाजिक स्तरीकरणDownload
BSOG-171Indian Society: Images and RealitiesDownload
BSOG-171भारतीय समाज: छवियाँ एवं वास्तविकताएँDownload
BSOG-173Rethinking DevelopmentDownload
BSOG-173विकास पुनर्चिंतनDownload
BSOG-176Economy and SocietyDownload
BSOG-176अर्थव्यवस्था एवं समाजDownload
BSOS-184Techniques of Ethnographic Film MakingDownload
BSOS-184नृजातीय फिल्म निर्माण की तकनीकDownload
BSOS-185Society through the VisualDownload
BSOS-185दृश्य के माध्यम से समाजDownload
BEGC-131Individual and SocietyDownload
BEGC-132Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural DiversityDownload
BEGC-133British LiteratureDownload
BEGC-134Reading the NovelDownload
BEGLA-135English in Daily LifeDownload
BEGLA-136English at the WorkplaceDownload
BEGLA-137Language Through LiteratureDownload
BEGLA-138Reading & Speaking SkillsDownload
BEGE-141Understanding ProseDownload
BEGE-142Understanding DramaDownload
BEGE-143Understanding PoetryDownload
BEGE-145Soft SkillsDownload
BEGG-171Media and Communication SkillsDownload
BEGG-172Language and LinguisticsDownload
BEGG-173Academic Writing & CompositionDownload
BEGG-174Creative WritingDownload
BEGAE-182English Communication SkillsDownload
BEGS-183Writing and Study SkillsDownload
BEGS-185English Language TeachingDownload
BEGS-186Business CommunicationDownload
BHDC-131हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहासDownload
BHDC-132मध्यकालीन हिंदी कविताDownload
BHDC-133आधुनिक हिन्दी कविताDownload
BHDC-134हिंदी गद्य साहित्यDownload
BHDLA-135हिन्दी भाषा: विविध प्रयोगDownload
BHDLA-136हिन्दी भाषा: लेखन कौशलDownload
BHDLA-137हिन्दी भाषा : संप्रेषण कौशलDownload
BHDLA-138हिंदी साहित्य : विविध विधाएँDownload
BHDE-141अस्मितामूलक विमर्श और हिंदी साहित्यDownload
BHDE-142राष्ट्रीय काव्यधाराDownload
BHDG-175मध्यकालीन भारतीय साहित्य एवं संस्कृतिDownload
BHDAE-182हिन्दी भाषा और संप्रेषणDownload
BHDS-183अनुवाद : सिद्धांत और प्रविधिDownload
BHDS-184रेडियो लेखनDownload
BSKC-131संस्कृत पद्य- साहित्यDownload
BSKC-132संस्कृत गद्य-साहित्यDownload
BSKC-133संस्कृत नाटकDownload
BSKC-134संस्कृत व्याकरणDownload
BSKLA-135संस्कृत भाषा और साहित्यDownload
BSKE-141आयुर्वेद के मूल आधारDownload
BSKE-142रंगमंच और नाट्यकलाDownload
BUDC-131Study of Prose & Poetic Form in UrduDownload
BUDC-132Study of Urdu Classical GhazalDownload
BUDC-133اردو زبان کا آغاز وارتقاDownload
BUDC-134اردو نظم کا مطالعDownload
BUDLA-135Study of Modern Urdu Prose and PoetryDownload
BUDE-141(مرزا غالب کا خصوصی مطالعہ)Download
BUDE-142میر امن دہلوی کا خصوصی مطالعDownload
BPYC-131Indian PhilosophyDownload
BPYC-131भारतीय दर्शनDownload
BPYC-134Western Philosophy: ModernDownload
BPYC-134पाश्चात्य दर्शन: आधुनिकDownload
BPYG-171Applied EthicsDownload
BPYG-172Philosophy of ReligionDownload
BPYG-172धर्म दर्शनDownload
BPYG-171अनुप्रयुक्त नीतिशास्त्रDownload
BESC-131Education: Concept, Nature, and PerspectiveDownload
BESC-131शिक्षा संप्रत्यय, प्रकृति एवं परिप्रेक्ष्यDownload
BESC-132Structure and Management of EducationDownload
BESC-132शिक्षा का स्वरूप और प्रबंधनDownload
BESC-133Curriculum, Teaching-Learning, and AssessmentDownload
BESC-133पाठयचर्या, शिक्षण-अधिगम और आकलनDownload
BESC-134Education as a PracticeDownload
BESC-134अभ्यास के रूप में शिक्षाDownload
BESE-141ICT In EducationDownload
BESE-141शिक्षा में आई सी टीDownload
BESE-142Lifelong LearningDownload
BESE-142जीवनपर्यंत अधिगमDownload
Generic Elective
BGDG-172Gender Sensitization: Society and CultureDownload
BGDG-172जेंडर संवेदीकरण- संस्कृति, समाज और परिवर्तनDownload
Ability Enhancement Courses
BEVAE-181Environmental StudiesDownload
BEVAE-181पर्यावरण अध्ययन पर क्षमता वर्धक अनिवार्य पाठ्क्रमDownload
Social Sciences
BABG-171Understanding B.R. AmbedkarDownload
BABG-171बी. आर. अम्बेडकर चिंतनDownload
BGULA-135Modern Indian Language: GujaratiDownload
BPBLA-135Modern Indian Language-PunjabiDownload
BAALA-135Modern Indian Languages-AssameseDownload
BBHLA-135Modern Indian Language: BhojpuriDownload
BMPLA-135MIL: ManipuriDownload
BEGA-01Introduction to the MediaDownload
BODLA-135ପ୍ରଥମ ଭାଗDownload
BKDLA-135Modern Indian Language- KannadaDownload
BKMLA-135Modern Indian Language – KashmiriDownload
BMYLA-135Modern Indian Language – MalayalamDownload
BMRLA-135Modern Indian Language: MarathiDownload
BNPLA-135आधुनिक भारतीय भाषा- नेपालीDownload
BTLLA-135Modern Indian Language – TamilDownload
BTGLA-135Modern Indian Language: TeluguDownload
BBGLA-135আধুনিক ভারতীয় ভাষা: বাংলাDownload

IGNOU Head Office has started to upload new materials and there are many BAG subject study materials that are yet to upload for the BAG program. We advise all students that keep checking this page to get updates for new uploads.

Is it required to Download IGNOU BAG Materials?

To attend IGNOU BAG TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your BAG Assignments by using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments but you can also use these materials for the preparation for examinations and you can get good marks in your Annual Exams with good grades.

254 thoughts on “IGNOU BAG Study Material & Books”

  1. With the new system now implemented! My admission is July session which means my first exam for first semester is in december. Which assignments do i use then? Should i use those are available for the january 2021 session students with last date as 3oth september?

    Please reply

  2. Sir, I am BAG BA PSYCHOLOGY 2nd year student. Ididn’t get my subjects PDF(BPAS184 &BCOS 183).I opt online mode of textbook. Our assignment due dates are near. So please upload these subjects. Please provide the right information.

  3. Sir ,still I didn’t get my books,I’m student of BA here is my Enrolment no-2101074999 January session 2021-2022 .

  4. Hello ignou…. please reply…
    My admission was done in february..no furthur informations i have got after that….not even about asignments , exams , study material…please help me out ignou…
    My enrollment number:

  5. Hi Sir/Ma’am,

    I could not find BHIC 134 study material. So request you to please help me with the same.


  6. Sir,plz upload BSOC 134 AND BHIC 134 study material.
    Our assignment due dates are near… I hadn’t opted for books in physical form.So I m dependent fully on this website for study material..plz help

  7. Please upload becc 134 study material in english medium, our exams will be in june 2021 how are we supposed to prepare for th exams in less than a month

  8. BECC134 and BHIC 134 study material is not available in English medium. How are we supposed to complete assignment before 30th of April. And what about lockdown scenario in Maharashtra?

  9. sir please upload the study material for BPCS 186 soon as tomorrow is the last date of uploading assignments

  10. Hi IGNOU Team,

    Though the last date of submission of assignment is 31st March, but you still have not uploaded BHIC 134( Hindi) and BANS 184(Hindi).

    Also my last year’s result is still pending.
    Enrollment no.- 197286312

  11. My subjects are BHDS 184, BHDLA 138 & BHIC 134
    THESE above assignment are not uploaded
    When will be it be uploaded

  12. Sir BPCS-186 &
    Not show in website and some study material not available please give me a suggestion how to complete my assignment and last date of submission

  13. I have subject BESC 132 Structure and management of education, But I couldn’t find assignment question paper of it anywhere not even on official website of IGNOU assignment.

    1. I also have not found, even book of that code BESC-132 not available pls help if anyone got this assignment & book.

  14. All study materials and assignments of BAG program for 2nd year has not been uploaded yet….I have 8 course codes…. But I am getting study materials of only 3 courses…. When are you going to upload all the study materials????…. Exams are on June how will we completed our books…. please upload them as soon as possible….. And how are we going to complete our assignments if you all don’t upload them on time…. Assignments should be submitted on the end of April…. Now it’s high time it’s a request

  15. Study material of BAG (English) BESC 132 (EDUCATION) is not been uploaded..plz..upload..as exam is on june

  16. How to I get my sociology book MA 2 year.I come to collect my book in Rajghat but it’s closed due to covid.anyone pls suggest how to get my book and start making assignments.me soo disappointed pls help me

  17. I have taken admission in BAG program.
    I have not got BESC- 131, BESC-132.
    When am I going to get the study materials for these two subjects.
    When will my exam take place,I m confused.And I have not got any assignments yet,,,when is my assignment do I will get.. please inform.

  18. BEVAE-181 Environmental Studies – Hindi book is not uploaded in it. Please help me to download the same

  19. BECC-132, Principles of micro economics 2 have not been uploaded yet, I haven’t got my 4 books from regional center, I don’t know how to start my studies and how to complete my project.. please revert back and help out to this.

  20. Hello sir/ma’am,

    I am facing some problem with downloading the study material on Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology. After completion it shows error. I’m in a tight spot with the deadline on assignment submission just ahead. Please tell me if there’s any other way to get the notes.

  21. Hello Sir/Mam,
    Study Material of BAG program(Hindi) as BSOC132 and BEVAE181 has not been uploaded yet.
    Please uploaded it.

  22. Dear Colleagues

    I would like to know if we have the study material uploaded for the below subjects for the year 2019-2020


  23. I have taken admission in BA English Honours in January 2020 session. When will my first year exam take place? Will my exam be in June 2020 or december 2020?

  24. When will be the Study material (BAG) of BEVAE & BHIC131, 132 is available in hindi.
    AND WHAT IS last date to Summit Assignment.

  25. Hlo Sir/ma’am
    Some study material of BAG program(English) as BEGLA136,BEGC132 has not been uploaded yet.
    Kindly upload it.
    Thank You!

  26. Dear ignou team
    BUDLA 135 assignment are yet not uploaded
    BEVAE 181 assignment have some blur effects by virtue it show dotted effect while dispached

    deadline dates are on head ,
    hope u will upload , nd recorrect the assignment

    Thank you

    1. BPCS 184 in hindi medium is not available in the above list. Please upload the file as soon as possible.

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