IGNOU BAG Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU BAG Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BAG Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BAG program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BAG Program.

We also inform all BAG students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BAG program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BAG assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

Also Read:

Program Code IGNOU BAG
Name of the Program Bachelor of Arts
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024
Category IGNOU Assignment 2024

List of IGNOU BAG Assignment 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BAG Assignment Question Paper. The BAG students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BAG Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BAG Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025.

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU BAG Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BAG Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAG Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BAG Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAG Assignments.

391 thoughts on “IGNOU BAG Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

  1. Hello sir ,
    I need a assignment 2020-2021 solve with answers
    Please upload

  2. Hi Sir,

    I have not find BEGC-132 assignment, so please upload the same ASAP.
    Also one more thing, i have not received the physical Study material, Please guide for that how i can get/track it. If the same is already issue.


  3. I can’t find Assignments for 1) BEGC132: Selection From Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity & 2) BESC132: Structure and Management of Education, Kindly revert us soon so that we could get complete the respective assignments on time.

  4. Mera June 2019 me admission hua tha.lockdown ki vajah se 1st year k assignment online submit kiye the 2nd year k assignment bhi karne hAi or uski last date kya hai??

  5. Sir, I got admission in BAEGH CBCS HONS IN 2020 JAN. I have completed all my assignments within JUNE, 2020, only BEGG 171 was left. I kept contact with Ignou Regional Centre, Kolkata. But they didn’t gave me any correct answer till October, 2020. I found out in November that BEGG171 is not applicable for my session January, 2020. Yet, thanks to the glitches of that online admission website, I got ended up with this subject- Begg171. The regional centre told me they won’t release the BEGG 171 subject assignment question paper. The last date to submit the assignments is 31st December, & Ignou still have not released my subject. Could not fill up the online exam cos they are telling my registration/enrollment no. does not exist. They ruined my last year, 2019 June session… but due to these glitches… my last year admission was a big mess. Now, they are telling me that this year admission won’t work for me, TRY NEXT YEAR. PLEASE DO SOMETHING, PLEASE RELEASE BEGG 171 ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  6. I am not able to track BECC 131 in the IGNOU BAG Assignments 2020-21.
    kindly do the needful & guide me to track the missing course to enable to download.

  7. Respected Sir/Madam,
    Why BAG Assignment nor previous year question not uploaded yet on IGNOU official websites? If second year assignment is already prepare kindly send me in email me or update in the websites. thank you

  8. Dear mam/ sir,
    I am shanakshi from Jammu. I am a BAG student. My exam is appearing in December 2020. But I don`t able to submit my assignments online? Please tell me how i submit my assignments and also tell me what is the last date of submitting the assignments?
    plz give a reply.

    1. I took admission in Jan. 2020(BCOMG) nd my total subjects are 8 so anybody tell me which session assignments i need to do if it’s (2020-21) then till now all subjects assignments are not uploaded so when will it upload Plzz do rply ASAP.



  10. sir, mujhe dec 2020 ka assignment chaye kyy aap bata sakte hai kii june 2020 or dec 2020 dono same hote hai kyy agar alag hote hai to kaise mile gaa dec ka question mujhe ,mera programme code (BAG)

  11. Today is last date of assignment submission but till now Bag option is not coming in IGNOU assignment upload link

    Is it sufficient to send assignment in regional centre mail id?

  12. Sir, I’m a student of BAG 1 year January 2020, i want to ask about our assignment.
    Sir july or January k assignments ke question paper same hain?? Ya alag alag hai?

    1. Alag alag hote h ji isi site pr dikha dega assignment or aap kha se ho mtlb aapke njdik ignu ka office kha ka h

    2. BHIC 131(hindi)
      BHIC 132(hindi) session 20-21 isn’t uploaded yet? Because it’s only showing of session-19-20

  13. sir , what is the profit of BAG (ENGLISH) course certificate. can i get english honours certificate.???

  14. The session of 2018 to 2021 but second part of B.A exam the session of 2019 to 2020 will done ya not ,This period of lockdown. Plz Reply respected sir,I will stay your reply .

  15. If any one need hand written assignment of BAG 2019-2020 contact me – 8851768247 or on instagram – officialramelasaab

  16. Only math, hindi, English, urdu and sanskrit, assignments are there and what about other subjects assignments.. Where do I get them?…

  17. Can i submit printed copy (not hand written )of BAG assignment.
    What is last date to submit assignment

    1. Sir my assignment is ready but now is lock down and all closed .and I read that last date of assignment summit is 30/04/2020 for bag 2019-2020 July. My question and problem is that how and where will summit my assignment. Pls help, what should I do?

    2. You can visit your ignou official site as they announce due to lockdown students can submit their assignment online through mail by making PDF of each assignments.

  18. where i get the solve assignment of all subject. because this site show only question paper.

    That’s why i want get solve assignment. if any one have solve assignment site so please shaer the link of that site.

    it’s urgent.

    1. Same problem I am facing.
      I have questions but answer not getting.
      If you are getting anything pls do share.

    2. Good afternoon sir
      Sir we do not have receiving of BHDC131& 132 question paper please help me

  19. Sir i m trying to get my assignment but it was not there BAG can you please help me out with this matter.

    1. Visit the official website of IGNOU (ignou.ac.in). Then there at the top, student support is written. Click on it and box appear. Then click on student zone. A page will open where on the 2nd row column 6 assignment is written, click it. And ur assignment will open. Select as your reference..

    1. 30th april and you can also submit your assignment online through mail you have to make PDF of particular assignments with name and send them to their mail provided on their site for futher details visit ignou official website.

    2. My admission done on 28th February 2020 and I’m confused about which one is my assignment there are solved assignment of 2019-20 so please guide me what should I do

    3. I have done the admission of BAG on 31st July…. Where can I find the assignment… I am new to this ….

    4. सर मेरी admisson 17 अगस्त 2019 को हुई थी ,मेरा रोल न0 195105011 है। BAG 1st year। सर में कोरोना की बजह से paper fess नही दे पाई हु,,में अभी पेपर fees दे सकती हूं, please बताने की कोसिस करे

    5. I have 2 queries.
      1) mine is BcomG. Is BEGLA 135 is same for BAG and BcomG?
      2) Where can I get BEVAE 181?

    6. Neither study material nor assignment questions have been uploaded yet now of English honours (BAEGH)course code-BEGG 171& BEGG 172 why…..? Please kindly send me in my email id.

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