IGNOU BA Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU BA Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BA Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BA program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BA Program.

We also inform all BA students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BA program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BA assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

Also Read:

Program Code IGNOU BA
Name of the Program Bachelor of Arts
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024
Category IGNOU Assignment 2024

List of IGNOU BA Assignment 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BA Assignment Question Paper. The BA students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BA Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BA Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025.

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU BA Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BA Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BA Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BA Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BA Assignments.

300 thoughts on “IGNOU BA Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

  1. I have no any idea for ignou education please anybody teach/help me. And I don’t know when will be submitted in my assignments and examinations also. Only I am joining my ignou study.

    1. Hey I’m also doing ba 1st year this year can we combine n discuss n do our assignment.. I too have no idea about ignou..

  2. I did not find my assignment questions in odia medium…… Plz ans me…… How can I download my final year assignment questions in odia medium????

    1. Dear Sir/mam, my self sumitra i did not find my assignment question in odia medium. plz send me odia medium assignment soft copy ya web site.
      ACS01, EHI5, EPS8, EPS9

  3. I am a student of b.a. first year(2018-19). Due to some problems I cannot attend my classes. Please inform me about the topics of assignment of the following subjects.


  4. Hello sir please give me the solved Assignment questions of BA Ist yr in Odia medium need urgent sir FOR-1,BSHF-101, BEGF-101. Please help me sir

  5. Respected sir i am doing my masters in history can you give us the assignment question for 2018-19 its getting late we have not got the books as well .

  6. What is the session to deposit the assignment of examination which is schedule for december 2018 ‌‍

    Plzzz tell me someone

  7. Hey my name is jasmeet i am also 1 year but i have a no idea ….for assignment any one do u have a idea please tell mei am really thankful to u please every one

  8. am student of 1st year B.A.(English) December secession. Please inform me about these subjects –Bshf101

    Deepak says:

  9. I am pooja joshi
    Right now BA 1st year plzzz sir / mam help me
    This regarding BSWE4 ka assigment hota h ya nhi
    Because mujhay kahi show nhi ho ra
    Plzzz help me

  10. I am Preeti .I have filled my Admission on october last year .Now I got confirmation letter with assignment.Now when to submit assignment date and Book also I didn’t received. So plz help i will be grateful.

  11. What is the last date for Submission of ignou assignments??2017 2018

    some one is saying that it is before april 30..

    anybody clearly knows the date pls text me
    thank u

  12. I am a student of b.a. first year. Due to some problems I cannot attend my classes. Please inform me about the topics of assignment of the following subjects.

  13. I’ve recently enrolled for BA in January 2018. I also downloaded the required pdfs of assignments. Im confused regarding some of the submission as 4 of my courses the last date is 30th September. While I’ve read in many sites that the last date is 31st march. Would be kind of you if you could please help me out. Im a lil confuaed about it.

    1. 31st march is the last date for june 2017 – july 2018 session..can you pls share the link from where you have downloaded the assignment papers?

  14. I need Assignment Question for FST-01 for July and January session 2017-2018. Please send me assignments via email.

  15. I m student of BA 1st yr .l had taken admission in june 2017.l am going to appear in examination of june 2018,which assignment i have to download and need u submit

  16. Sir i am a student of BA 1st YEAR 2017_2018. I have found only book of FHD02. and BSHF101. Plz send just other books EHD02,BHDE101,BHDF101. so that i can read on time. have to give assignment on 31st MARCH. Thank you.

  17. Hi, sir
    Pushpa C.R .BA Final year not able find 2 assignments online.

    could you please send me assignments via email unable to find this two papers online while downloading

  18. I am student of ba 1st year,i am person of army.I want to known that assignment jama karne ki last date kya hai?

  19. I am ba 1st Year student I had taken the admission in July 2017, till date I didn’t received any study material kindly help what should I do.

  20. Sir,
    I m student of b.a. first year. I had taken the admission in July 2017. I didn’t received any study material of my course. Please help me .

  21. I want to get assignment for BA first year exam which will be held in July 2018. Please let me know from where & how will get it.

  22. Sir i am Deepak,all assignment questions papers are published except FST 101 . kindly inform me why this subject is not available?

  23. I am ba 1st Year student I had taken the admission in July 2017, till date I didn’t received any study material kindly help what should I do.

  24. I am student of 1st year B.A.(English) December secession. Please inform me about these subjects –

  25. I want to know about assignments of BA 1st year, I will give exam on December so when I will submit my assigments & where.. Plz help me


  27. I am going to appear the examination of BA1st semester in Dec 2017. Please inform that which assignment I have to download and need yo submit.

  28. Sir, I Sri Ajaya Ketan Das, S/O Gajendra Kumar Das, of Village/District : Nabarangpur , have taken admission in BA course through IGNOU Regional Centre, Koraput in the state of Odisha . My Enrollment No. 170448153 But I can not know the actual date for submission of assignment. Please take necessary steps at your to redressal of my grievances.
    Thanking you Sir

    Sd/- 30.07.2017
    Ajaya ketan Das
    Mobile No. 8280018408

  29. I have done the re-registration for 3rd semester for july 2017 session but now I need those subjects what are registered but I did not get in my student zone status what should I do now plz be thankful to reply me

  30. Dear sir/mam , my admission got confirmed in may month, 2017 10days back , i want to know about assignment procedure , will i be able to appear in june session 2017 as i have not submitted any assignment so far and as mentioned above in site student needs to submit before 31st march, 2017 to appear in june 2017exams. What about students who took admission in may month.please reply my id is vishalsachdeva978@gmail.com and contact no is 9560504104

  31. Hello sir
    I want to know the procedure for downloading assignments in odia medium.I can’t find it.so please help.

  32. I am a student of b.a. first year. Due to some problems I cannot attend my classes. Please inform me about the topics of assignment of the following subjects.
    I shall be very thankful for your kindness.ya
    Please tell me as soon as possible so that l can submit my assignments on to.e.

    1. If u get the ans plz inform me too… same condition is for me also. It would be great. Thnx in advance


    3. How we complete assignments if assignment questions are not available on IGNOU site subject ba history

    4. Due to my family problem i couldn’t submit my assignment till today will it be possible to submit on any time

    5. I am a student of b.a. first year. Due to some problems I cannot attend my classes. Please inform me about the topics of assignment of the following subjects.
      I shall be very thankful for your kindness……….

    6. Yrrrr me bhi b.a first year me hu but mene cls attend nhi ki or assighment ka bhi kuch pta nhi kisi tarha hame bhi btado pdf plzzzz frnds..
      Books code…
      Bsoc 131
      Bpsc 131
      BHDLA 135
      BAVAE 181

    7. Even me, I don’t know how to do the assignment, please anyone can tell me about the assignment

    8. Please provide me solved assignment for following subject either in PDF or other format for dec’18 BA first year examination or else write complete method to get the same..

    9. i am student of ba first year pl cont me anupam Iam railway worker jamalpur

    10. Bro don’t worry classes are not necessary. They don’t add or cut any marks.
      U have to just submit your assignments that’s all

    11. Hi do anyone have ba arts assignment begc 131,
      Bhic131, begla 135, bevae 181, begla 136 begla 135 , thank you

    12. Download assignment from ignou website or nearby cafe can give you assignment questions by downloading it or contact ignou help center for more information

    13. इन सब्जेक्ट का असाइनमेंट है आपके पास

    14. i am a student of b.a first year due to some problems i cannot attend my classes .please inform me about the topics of assignment if the following subject
      FHD -02

    15. Sir,
      How to write assignment
      I m the student of session July 2019
      And my subject start from
      and BHDLA

    16. Mam mujhe bhi assignment chahiye but program BAG hai mera BA kar raha hu first year hai

    17. you can download your assignment on ignouhelp.in website by clicking fee simple steps.
      it doesn’t matter whether you have attended aur not attend any class.
      Prepare your assignments and deposit them before 31 march positively to appear in june 2020 term end exam.
      one more thing after depositing assignment take receipt number and then Deposit exam fees of your subjects online.

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