IGNOU ACPDM Study Material

IGNOU ACPDM Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page for download each collection of ACPDM (Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management) Study Material so you are come at right place. Here you will get everything for which you have come to here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of ACPDM to our System and it is ready and available for all ACPDM Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU ACPDM student with free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

List of Available ACPDM Study Materials:

BEE-001 Power Distribution Sector
Block-01Power Distribution Sector
Block-02Operation and Maintenace
Block-03Quality of Supply and Services
Block-04Distribution Loss Reduction and Efficiency Improvement
BEE-002 Energy Management and IT Applications
Block-01Energy Conservation, Audit and Accounting
Block-02Electrical Safety and Disaster Management
Block-03It Applications in Distribution Business Management
Block-04It Interface in Customer Services
BEE-003 Management of Power Distribution
Block-01Management of Power Distribution
Block-02Change Management in Power Distribution
Block-03Project Development and Implementation
Block-04Communication Skills and Motivation
Block-05Financial Management

Is it required to download ACPDM Materials?

For attend IGNOU ACPDM TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your ACPDM Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your Annual Exams with good grade.

5 thoughts on “IGNOU ACPDM Study Material”

  1. I have taken addmission in january 2023. when my exam will be conduct? june or dec?
    when i will get my books?
    when i will be submit my assignments?

    plz guide

  2. 1. Yes, this course is in distance learning.
    2. Fees of this course is 5600 Rs.
    3. you can apply through internet on official website of IGNOU.
    4. It will upgrade your skill and KRAs.

  3. I am currently working in the distribution company of gujarat.& i am interested in this course. But i want to ask some question about this course

    1.is this course provide in Distance learning?
    2.fees of this Course?
    3.how can i apply?
    4.is this course can give further opportunity in my field?

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