IGNOU BSCG Study Material

IGNOU BSCG Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page to download each course of BSCG Study Material so you are coming to the right place. Here you will get everything for which you come here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of BSCG to our System and it is ready and available for all BSCG Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU BSCG (Bachelor of Science (General) students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

IGNOU BSCG Discipline Specific Core Study Material:

Course CodeCourse NameClick To
BBYCT-131Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi, and Archegoniates) – LaboratoryDownload
BBYCT-131जैव विविधता (माइक्रोब्स, एल्गी, फंजाई, और आर्किगोनिएट्स )Download
BBYCL-132Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi, and Archegoniates)Download
BBYCL-132जैव विविधता (माइक्रोब्स, एल्गी, फंजाई, और आर्किगोनिएट्स ) – प्रयोगशालाDownload
BBYCT-133Plant Ecology and TaxonomyDownload
BBYCT-133पादप पारिस्थितिकी एवं वर्गिकीDownload
BBYCL-134पादप पारिस्थितिकी एवं वर्गिकी: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BBYCL-134Plant Ecology and Taxonomy-LaboratoryDownload
BBYCT-135Plant Anatomy and EmbryologyDownload
BBYCT-135पादप शरीर और भ्रूणविज्ञानDownload
BBYCL-136Plant Anatomy and EmbryologyDownload
BBYCL-136पादप शारीर और भ्रूणविज्ञानDownload
BBYCT-137Plant Physiology and MetabolismDownload
BBYCT-137पादप कार्यिकी और उपापचयDownload
BBYCL-138Plant Physiology and Metabolism: LaboratoryDownload
BBYCL-138पादप कार्यिकी और उपापचय : प्रयोगशाला कार्यDownload
BCHCT-131Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, and Aliphatic HydrocarbonsDownload
BCHCT-131परमाणु संरचना, आबंधन, सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन ओर एलिफेटिक हाइडरोकार्बनDownload
BCHCL-132Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: LaboratoryDownload
BCHCL-132परमाणु संरचना, आबंधन, सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन ओर एलिफेटिक हाइडरोकार्बनDownload
BCHCT-133Chemical Energetics, Equilibria, and Functional Organic Chemistry-IDownload
BCHCT-133रासायनिक, और्जिकी, साम्य और अभिलक्षकीय समूह कार्बनिक रसायन-IDownload
BCHCL-134Chemistry Lab II: Chemical Energetics, Equilibria, and Functional Organic Chemistry-IDownload
BCHCL-134रसायन प्रयोगशाला-II: रासायनिक और्जिकी साम्य और अभिलक्षकीय समूह कार्बनिक रसायन -IDownload
BCHCT-135Solutions, Phase equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry & Functional Group Organic Chemistry-IIDownload
BCHCT-135विलयन, प्रावस्था साम्य, चालकत्व, वैधुत्- रसायन और अभिलक्षकीय समूह कार्बनिक रसायन-IIDownload
BCHCL-136Chemistry Lab IIIDownload
BCHCL-136रसायन विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला- IIIDownload
BCHCT-137Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter and Chemical KineticsDownload
BCHCT-137उपसहसंयोजक रसायन, द्रव्य की अवस्थाएं और रासायनिक बलगतिकीDownload
BCHCL-138रसायन प्रयोगशाला-IV: उपसहसंयोजन रसायनए द्रव्य की अवस्थाएं और रासायनिक बलगतिकीDownload
BCHCL-138Chemistry Lab IV: Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter and Chemical KineticsDownload
BGGCT-131भौतिक भूगोल भाग-1Download
BGGCT-131Physical GeographyDownload
BGGCT-132Human GeographyDownload
BGGCT-132मानव भूगोलDownload
BGGCT-133General CartographyDownload
BGGCT-133सामान्य मानचित्रकलाDownload
BGGCL-134General Cartography: LaboratoryDownload
BGGCL-134सामान्य मानचित्रकला प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGGCT-135Environmental GeographyDownload
BGGCT-135पर्यावरणीय भूगोलDownload
BGYCT-131Physical and Structural GeologyDownload
BGYCT-131भौतिक और संरचनात्मक भूविज्ञानDownload
BGYCL-132Physical and Structural Geology – LaboratoryDownload
BGYCL-132भौतिक और संरचनात्मक भूविज्ञान: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGYCT-133Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic GeologyDownload
BGYCT-133क्रिस्टल विज्ञान, खनिज विज्ञान और आर्थिक भूविज्ञानDownload
BGYCL-134Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic Geology: LaboratoryDownload
BGYCL-134क्रिस्टल विज्ञान, खनिज विज्ञान और आर्थिक भूविज्ञान : प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGYCL-136Petrology: LaboratoryDownload
BGYCL-136शैलविज्ञान: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGYCT-137Stratigraphy and PalaeontologyDownload
BGYCT-137स्तरक्रम विज्ञान एवं जीवाश्म विज्ञानDownload
BGYCL-138Stratigraphy and Palaeontology: LaboratoryDownload
BGYCL-138स्तरक्रम विज्ञान और जीवाश्म विज्ञान : प्रयोगशालाDownload
BMTC-132Differential EquationsDownload
BMTC-132अवकल समीकरणDownload
BMTC-133Real AnalysisDownload
BMTC-133वास्तविक विश्लेषणDownload
BPHCL-132Mechanics: LaboratoryDownload
BPHCL-132यांत्रिकी: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BPHCT-133Electricity and MagnetismDownload
BPHCT-133विद्युत और चुंबकत्वDownload
BPHCL-134Electricity and magnetism: LaboratoryDownload
BPHCL-134विद्युत और चुंबकत्व: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BPHCT-135Thermal Physics and Statistical MechanicsDownload
BPHCT-135ऊष्मीय भौतिकी और सांख्यिकीय यांत्रिकीDownload
BPHCL-136Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics: LaboratoryDownload
BPHCL-136ऊषमीय भौतिकी और सांख्यिकीय यांत्रिकी प्रयोगशालाDownload
BPHCT-137Waves and OpticsDownload
BPHCT-137तरंगें और प्रकाशिकीDownload
BPHCL-138Waves and Optics: LaboratoryDownload
BPHCL-138तरंगें और प्रकाशिकी: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYCT-131Animal DiversityDownload
BZYCL-132Animal diversity: LaboratoryDownload
BZYCL-132प्राणी-विविधता: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYCT-133Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of VertebratesDownload
BZYCT-133तुलनात्मक शारीरिक रचना और कशेरुक के विकास संबंधी जीवविज्ञानDownload
BZYCL-134Laboratory of comparative Anatomy and development Biology of VertebratesDownload
BZYCL-134Laboratory of comparative Anatomy and development Biology of VertebratesDownload
BZYCT-135Physiology and BiochemistryDownload
BZYCL-136Physiology and Biochemistry: LaboratoryDownload
BZYCL-136फिजियोलॉजी और बायोकेमिस्ट्री: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYCT-137Genetics and Evolutionary BiologyDownload
BZYCT-137आनुवंशिकी और विकासात्मक जीवविज्ञानDownload
BZYCL-138Genetics and Evolutionary Biology: LaboratoryDownload
BZYCL-138आनुवंशिकी और विकासीय जीवविज्ञान : प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYEL-142Immunology: LaboratoryDownload

IGNOU BSCG Discipline Specific Elective Study Material:

BBYET-141Cell and Molecular BiologyDownload
BBYET-141कोशिका और अणु जीवविज्ञानDownload
BBYEL-142Call and Molecular Biology: LaboratoryDownload
BBYEL-142कोशिका और अणु जीवविज्ञान: प्रयोगशाला कार्यDownload
BBYET-143Economic Botany and Plant BiotechnologyDownload
BBYET-143आर्थिक वनस्पति विज्ञान और जैव प्रौद्योगिकीDownload
BCHET-141Analytical Methods in ChemistryDownload
BCHET-147Organometallics, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons and UV, IR SpectroscopyDownload
BCHEL-148Organometallics, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Polynuclear Hydrocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy: LabDownload
BCHEL-148कार्बधात्विक यौगिक, जैव अकार्बनिक रसायन, बहुनाभिकीय हाइड्रोकार्बन तथा पराबैग्नी-अवरक्त स्पेक्ट्रमिकीDownload
BCHET-149Molecules of LifeDownload
BCHET-149जैव अणुDownload
BCHEL-150Molecules of Life: LabDownload
BCHEL-150जैव अणु: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGGET-141Geography of IndiaDownload
BGGET-141भारत का भूगोलDownload
BGGET-142Economic Geography Community home pageDownload
BGGET-142आर्थिक भूगोलDownload
BGYET-141Ore Geology and Industrial MineralsDownload
BGYET-141अयस्क भूविज्ञान और आद्यौगिक खनिजDownload
BGYEL-142Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals: LaboratoryDownload
BGYEL-142अयस्क भूविज्ञान और औद्योगिक खनिज: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BGYET-147Geomorphology and GeotectonicsDownload
BGYET-147भूआकृतिविज्ञान एवं भूविवर्तनिकीDownload
BMTE-141Linear AlgebraDownload
BMTE-144Numerical AnalysisDownload
BMTE-144संख्यात्मक विश्लेषणDownload
BPHET-141Elements of Modern PhysicsDownload
BPHET-141आधुनिक भौतिकी के तत्वDownload
BPHEL-142Elements of Modern Physics: LaboratoryDownload
BPHEL-142आधुनिक भौतिकी के तत्व: प्रयोगशालाDownload
BPHET-143Digital and Analog Circuits and InstrumentationDownload
BPHET-143अंकीय एवं अनुरूप परिपथ और उपकरणशास्त्रDownload
BPHEL-144Digital and Analog Circuits and Instrumentation: LaboratoryDownload
BPHEL-144अंकीय एवं अनुरूप परिपथ और उपकरणशास्त्र : प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYET-141प्रतिरक्षा विज्ञानDownload
BZYET-143Insect Vectors and Vector Borne DiseasesDownload
BZYEL-142Immunology: LaboratoryDownload
BZYEL-142प्रतिरक्षा विज्ञान : प्रयोगशालाDownload
BZYEL-144Insect Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases: LaboratoryDownload

Is it required to Download IGNOU BSCG Material?

To attend IGNOU BSCG TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your BSCG Assignments using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use them for preparation of the Examination and you can get good marks in your Post Graduate Certificate in Climate Change Programme Annual Exam with a good grade.

55 thoughts on “IGNOU BSCG Study Material”

  1. The links are not working currently i dont know why but it is saying that “site not found” and also
    We’re sorry, we were unable to locate the site you were looking for. what is the issue behind this please solve it as soon as possible because we are not able to download any study material.

  2. BEGAE182 -Which subject is this? I received the study materials of maths (Calculus and Differential Equation) only. Alos I got these too late. When I get the remaining study materials (Zoology, Physics, EVS etc.).

  3. Materials for BEGS-183 and BPCS-184 both are missing.
    I wonder how are students supposed to study when study materials are missing in both online and offline mode.
    In face of oncoming exams I hope these study materials will provided soon.

  4. Sir please upload the book of third year bscg programme course code BGGET 141 , BGGET 142 and 186

  5. please upload the books of third year of code 141 and 143 for all bsc subjects . assignment submission has already started

  6. Mere iss baar BSCG second year k exam hone thy na tou koi mail mil mujhe & na koi assigmant k liye koi mail, msg aaya mujhe koi details nhi mil rhi hai plz koi bta sakta hai 3rd year ki fee submit ke liye Bhi Koi message Nahin Hai.

  7. Find your e study material on this site,If not found download IGNOU e contant app for study material.
    For hard copy of study material go to IGNOU head office maidan garhi (Saket,Delhi).

  8. Please provide Complete Hindi Study material for B.Sc (Honours) Geology.. I badly needed it.. please

  9. Kindly upload study material of BGYCT 133 , we need it to prepare assignment and for the preparations of term end examinations.

  10. how much will it take to upload the study material of BGYCT-133, assingment for the same has been uploded so in order to solve the assingment we need th study material. please upload it soon before the last date for the submission of assingment(i.e. 15th of may).
    please upload it soon so that we can subimit our assingment in a propper way

  11. assignment of BZYCT-133 assignment has been uploaded how much will it take for study material for the same
    please reply

  12. I didn’t get books of (BPHCT 133, BPHCL 134) of BSCG (1 year). few books got me offline and few of them I found online but these book I don’t get till date.

  13. Kaise pta ki Kaun Kaun se exam honge first year me? Mera phy Hons hai or sath me zoology and maths.
    Pls koi mujhe 1st year Ka subject btaye

  14. Looking for IGNOU study material for course code BEVAE181 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES and BMTC131 CALCULUS(mathematics).

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