IGNOU Study Centre in Jiaganj Azimganj – Checkout Latest details about Jiaganj Azimganj Study Centre of IGNOU. Here you will get all details about Jiaganj Azimganj Study Centre like Important Contact details, Programmes, Exact Location and more you want to know.
Study Centre Name: Rani Dhanya Kumari College
Centre Address: Station Road, Near Railway Station, Kadamsarif, Jiaganj, West Bengal – 742149
Centre Code: 2820
Centre Contact No: +91- 095642 77388
Centre Contact Person Name: N/A
Courses Offered by Centre: BA (Eng) , BPP , IGNOU PGJMC , CTPM , IGNOU BTS , PGDRD , CRD , DECE , DNHE , CFN , CNCC , CTS , DTS
You will need above details for easy contact to Jiaganj Azimganj centre for any study related query. Centre established only for student support so you can get every solution from them.
Candidates have to submit their assignments to IGNOU Study Centre so you can submit your complete assignments to Jiaganj Azimganj centre to above contact details. Assignments are evaluated by Evaluators of Jiaganj Azimganj Study Centre.
Library, Counselling, Audio/Video Facility, Examination and more facilities are available in Jiaganj Azimganj Study Centre for all candidates.
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