IGNOU Study Centre in Vasundhara Enclave

IGNOU Study Centre in Vasundhara Enclave – Checkout Latest details about Vasundhara Enclave Study Centre of IGNOU. Here you will get all details about Vasundhara Enclave Study Centre like Important Contact details, Programmes, Exact Location and more you want to know.

Study Centre Name: Maharaja Agrasen College

Centre Address: Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi – 110096

Centre Code: 07107

Centre Contact No: 011 2261 0563

Centre Contact Person Name: N/A

Courses Offered by Centre: IGNOU MHD , MBA , MPS , IGNOU PGJMC

You will need above details for easy contact to Vasundhara Enclave centre for any study related query. Centre established only for student support so you can get every solution from them.

Candidates have to submit their assignments to IGNOU Study Centre so you can submit your complete assignments to Vasundhara Enclave centre to above contact details. Assignments are evaluated by Evaluators of Vasundhara Enclave Study Centre.

Library, Counselling, Audio/Video Facility, Examination and more facilities are available in Vasundhara Enclave Study Centre for all candidates.

4 thoughts on “IGNOU Study Centre in Vasundhara Enclave”

  1. Dear Sirs, I had registered in M.A. English Course in IGNOU for July 2020 session (understand that admission date extended till 31 Dec. 2020). My enrollment No. is 2004916778. Allotted Study Centre is: ‘07107: MAHARAJA AGARSEN COLLEGE (7107)’
    As per ;Confirmation Mail’ received from IGNOU, It was mentioned that ‘You will receive a separate communications from your Regional Centre/Study Centre regarding dispatch of study material, induction meeting, etc.. I have tried contacting on Study Centre Contact No. oii22610563, but could not get any reply. My telephone No. is 9810410580.
    1) Please provide me with necessary guidance and counselling
    2) Please provide me with Assignment set of documents.
    3) Do I have to re-register by15 Jan. 2021, as some IGNOU related online sites seem to suggest. If yes, is any fees payable?
    4) I want to appear for Examination in June 2021,in at least two of the four allotted subjects / courses (in first year). How is this possible?
    5) Last date for submitting assignments, study centre e-mail id where same can be submitted and method of doing so.
    6) Any optional and compulsory on-line classes.
    Kindly advise on priority.
    Best Regards
    Shailendra Sahai

  2. Sending my assignment to the email id of Maharaja Agrasen College, delivery fails, it is coming back, my mail is coming, so what should I do?

    1. Plz send me assignments submit mail id. I have no email id not found in the list. Any body send me assignments submit mail. Id. College name maharaja agrasen college.

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