IGNOU MACS Study Material

IGNOU MACS Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page to download each collection of MACS – MSc (Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science) Study Material so you come to the right place. Here you will get everything for which you have come here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of MACS to our System and it is ready and available for all MACS Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU MACS students free of cost and it can be downloaded easily and without registration need.

List of IGNOU MACS Study Material

First Semester
MMT-01 Programming & Data Structures
Block-01Introduction to the C Programming
Block-02Programming in C
Block-03Data Structures
Block-04Laboratory Manual
MMT-02 Linear Algebra
Block-01Jordan Canonical Form
Block-02 Applications of Unitary Matrices
MMT-004 Real Analysis
Block-01Metric Spaces
Block-02Calculus In Rn
Block-03Measure and Integral
MMT-05Complex Analysis
MMT-007 Differential Equations and Numerical Solutions
Block-01Ordinary Differential Equations
Block-02Partial Differential Equations
Block-03Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
Block-04Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
Second Semester
MMT-06Functional Analysis
MMT-008 Probability and Statistics
Block-01Markov Chains
Block-02Markov Processes With Countable
Block-03Renewal Processes
Block-04Queueing Theory
Block-05Basics Of Multivariate Normal
Block-06Distributions Associated With MVN
Block-07Applications Of MVN
Block-08Additional Application of MVN
Third Semester
MMTE-004Computer Graphics
MMT-09 Mathematical Modeling
Block-01Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
Block-02Models in Biology and Economics
Fourth Semester
MMTE-007 Soft Computing & Applications
Block-01Fuzzy Sets
Block-02Neural Networks-I
Block-03Neural Networks-II
Block-04Genetic Algorithms (GA)
MMTP-01 Project (Compulsory)

Is it required to download MACS Materials?

To attend IGNOU MACS TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your MACS Assignments using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use them for preparation for the Examination and you can get good marks in your Annual Exams with good grades.

13 thoughts on “IGNOU MACS Study Material”

  1. please upload study matdfjal of MSc (Geology)
    Igneous petrology
    Structural Geology
    Engineering geology

  2. Respected sir, I want to take admission in M.Sc ,(MACS). Sir, I belong to Chirang District. Is there is study centre near Chirang district to take classes in this subject.
    Thank you sir,

  3. I have completed M.Tech in CSE. I am interested in doing M.Sc MACS from IGNOU. I want to know the eligibility criteria for M.Tech completed students.

    1. Hi chetan, I asked same question but i did not get any reply even after uploaded my M. Tech pc along with other. No reply. Let me know if any you got

  4. I read the notes/study material of IGNOU’s M.Sc. (Mathematics). These notes are very good and useful to understand the subject.
    Basic concepts are helpful in understanding subject.

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