IGNOU BA – BAG Syllabus 2024

IGNOU BA Syllabus 2024 - Here, Candidates will be able to find the latest syllabus structure for the IGNOU BA program with all subjects list. IGNOU BA Syllabus Structure is available with a credit system in which each of the courses is given appropriate credit. IGNOU has implemented a credit system in BA courses which is useful for course selection at the time of taking admission and for re-registration.

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IGNOU BA Candidates have to earn a required number of credits every semester or every year to complete and qualify for BA passing certificate. The selection of the courses can be made at the time of taking fresh admission or re-registration for the subsequent year or semester for the BA program. There are many courses available for IGNOU BA course selection out of which some are compulsory courses and some of are elective courses.

IGNOU BA Syllabus 2024 Highlights

Name of the Program Bachelor of Arts
Exam System Semester
Total Credits 132
Category IGNOU BA

BA students will have the option to choose the course of their choice from the elective courses (if exists) while there are no choices and options available for compulsory or core courses.

IGNOU BA Current Syllabus 2024

A student has to complete a total of 132 credit courses to be eligible for an IGNOU BA degree which means 22 credits each semester.

IGNOU BA Disciplines

IGNOU offers a BA program in a total of 14 disciplines which you can explore below.

Anthropology Mathematics
Economics Hindi
History Urdu
Political Science English
Psychology Sanskrit
Public Administration Education
Sociology Philosophy

List of BA Course Categories

Core Courses (CC) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)
Discipline Specific Electives (DSE) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Generic Electives (GE)

IGNOU BAG Semester-wise Course Structure

First Semester Second Semester
Category Credits Category Credits
CC-1 6 CC-1 6
CC-2 6 CC-2 6
Total 22 Total 22
Third Semester Fourth Semester
CC-1 6 CC-1 6
CC-2 6 CC-2 6
Total 22 Total 22
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Generic 6 Generic 6
DSE-1 6 DSE-1 6
DSE-2 6 DSE-2 6
Total 22 Total 22

Selection of Disciplines

The student has to select two disciplines in which a student can select only one discipline per group.

Group D1 D2 D3 D4
Group-1 English Hindi Urdu Sanskrit
Group-2 Sociology Education
Group-3 Political Science Public Administration Mathematics Philosophy
Group-4 Economics Anthropology
Group-5 History Psychology

Core Courses (CC)

Discipline Course Code Name of the Course Credits
Anthropology BANC 131 Anthropology and Research Methods 6
BANC 132 Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology 6
BANC 133 Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology 6
BANC 134 Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology 6
Economics BECC 131 Principles of Microeconomics-I 6
BECC 132 Principles of Microeconomics-II 6
BECC 133 Principles of Macroeconomics-I 6
BECC 134 Principles of Macroeconomics-II 6
History BHIC 131 History of India from the Earliest Times up to c. 300 CE 6
BHIC 132 History of India from c.300 to 1206 6
BHIC 133 History of India from c.1206 to 1707 6
BHIC 134 History of India from c. 1707 to 1950 6
Political Science BPSC 131 Introduction to Political Theory 6
BPSC 132 Indian Government and Politics 6
BPSC 133 Comparative Government and Politics 6
BPSC 134 Introduction to International Relations 6
Psychology BPCC 131 Foundations of Psychology 6
BPCC 132 Introduction to Social Psychology 6
BPCC 133 Psychological Disorders 6
BPCC 134 Statistical Methods and Psychological Research 6
Public Administration BPAC 131 Perspectives on Public Administration 6
BPAC 132 Administrative Thinkers 6
BPAC 133 Administrative system at Union Level 6
BPAC 134 Administrative system at State and District Levels 6
Sociology BSOC 131 Introduction to Sociology 6
BSOC 132 Sociology of India 6
BSOC 133 Sociological Theories 6
BSOC 134 Methods of Sociological Enquiry 6
Hindi BHDC 131 History of Hindi Literature 6
BHDC 132 Modern Hindi Poetry 6
BHDC 133 Contemporary Hindi Poetry 6
BHDC 134 Hindi Prose Literature 6
Urdu BUDC 131 Study of Prose & Poetic Form in Urdu 6
BUDC 132 Study of Urdu Classical Ghazal 6
BUDC 133 Origin & Development of Urdu Language 6
BUDC 134 Study of Urdu Nazm 6
English BEGC 131 Individual & Society 6
BEGC 132 Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity 6
BEGC 133 British Literature 6
BEGC 134 Reading The Novel 6
Sanskrit BMTC 131 Calculus 6
BMTC 132 Differential Equations 6
BMTC 133 Real Analysis 6
BMTC 134 Algebra 6
Education BESC 131 Education: Concept, Nature and Perspectives 6
BESC 132 Structure and Management of Education 6
BESC 133 Curriculum, Teaching-Learning and Assessment 6
BESC 134 Education as a Practice 6

Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)

Discipline Course Code Name of the Course Credits
Anthropology BANE 145 Applied Anthropology 6
BANE 146 Anthropology of Indigenous People 6
Economics BECE 145 Indian Economy – I 6
BECE 146 Indian Economy – II 6
History BHIE 141 History of China: C. 1840-1978 6
BHIE 142 History of Modern East Asia: Japan (1868-1945) 6
BHIE 143 History of Environment 6
BHIE 144 Traditions of History Writing in India 6
BHIE 145 Some aspects of European History: C. 1789 – 1945 6
Political Science BPSE 141 Gandhi and the Contemporary World 6
BPSE 142 India‘s Foreign Policy in a Changing World 6
BPSE 143 State Politics in India 6
BPSE 144 Introduction to South Asia 6
BPSE 145 Democracy and Development in Northeast India 6
BPSE 146 Conflict Resolution and Peace building 6
Psychology BPCE 145 Counselling Psychology 6
BPCE 146 Industrial/ Organisational Psychology 6
Public Administration BPAE 141 Right to Information 6
BPAE 142 Organisational Behaviour 6
BPAE 143 Administrative System in BRICS 6
BPAE 144 Social Policies and Administration 6
Sociology BSOE 141 Urban Sociology 6
BSOE 142 Indian Sociological Traditions 6
BSOE 143 Environmental Sociology 6
BSOE 144 Reading Ethnographies 6
BSOE 145 Religion and Society 6
BSOE 146 Marriage, Family and Kinship 6
BSOE 148 Social Stratification 6
Hindi BHDE 141 अस्मितामूलक विमर्श और हिंदी साहित्य 6
BHDE 142 राष्ट्रीय काव्यधारा 6
BHDE 143 प्रेमचंद 6
BHDE 144 छायावाद 6
Urdu BUDE 141 Study of Poet Mirza Ghalib 6
BUDE 142 Study of Prose Writer Meer Amman Dehlawi 6
English BEGE141 Understanding Prose 6
BEGE142 Understanding Drama 6
BEGE143 Understanding Poetry 6
BEGE145 Soft Skills 6
Sanskrit BSKE 141 आयुर्वेद के मूल आधार 6
BSKE 142 रंगमंच और नाट्यकला 6
BSKE 150 संस्कृत भाषा विज्ञान 6

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AEC)

Course Code Name of the Course Credits
BEVAE 181 Environmental Studies 4
BEGAE 182 English Communication Skills 4
BHDAE 182 Study of Classical Urdu Ghazal 4
BUDAE 181 Study of Urdu Progressive Poetry 4

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

Discipline Course Code Name of the Course Credits
Anthropology BANS 183 Tourism Anthropology 4
BANS 184 Public Health and Epidemiology 4
Economics BECS 184 Data Analysis 4
Psychology BPCS 183 Emotional Intelligence 4
BPCS 184 School Psychology 4
BPCS 185 Developing Emotional Competence 4
BPCS 186 Managing Stress 4
BPCS 187 Managing Human Resources 4
BPCS 188 Application of Social Psychology 4
Public Administration BPAS 184 Logistics Management 4
BPAS 186 Stress and Time Management 4
Sociology BSOS 184 Techniques of Ethnographic Film Making 4
BSOS 185 Society through the Visual 4
Hindi BHDS 183 अनुवाद सिद्धांत और प्रवीधि 4
BHDS 184 रेडियो लेखन 4
English BEGS 183 Writing And Study Skills 4
BEGS 185 English Language Teaching 4
BEGS 186 Business Communication 4
Urdu BUDS 184 Introduction of Mass Media in Urdu 4
BUDS 186 Study of Electronic Media in Urdu 4
Commerce BCOS183 Computer Application in Business 4
BCOS184 E-Commerce 4
BCOS185 Entrepreneurship 4
BCOS186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship 4

Generic Electives (GE)

Discipline Course Code Name of the Course Credits
Gender and Development BGDG 172 Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture 6
Psychology BPCG 171 General Psychology 6
BPCG 172 Youth, Gender and Identity 6
BPCG 173 Psychology for Health and Well-being 6
BPCG 174 Psychology and Media 6
BPCG 175 Psychology for Living 6
BPCG 176 Psychology of Gender 6
Public Administration BPAG 171 Disaster Management 6
BPAG 172 Governance: Issues and Challenges 6
BPAG 173 E-Governance 6
BPAG 174 Sustainable Development 6
Sociology BSOG 171 Indian Society: Images and Realities 6
BSOG 173 Rethinking Development 6
BSOG 176 Economy and Society 6
Hindi BHDG 173 समाचार पत्र और फीचर लेखन 6
BHDG 175 मध्यकालीन भारतीय साहित्य एवं संस्कृति 6
English BEGG 171 Media and Communication Skills 6
BEGG 172 Language and Linguistics 6
BEGG 173 Academic Writing & Composition 6
BEGG 174 Creative Writing 6
Sanskrit BSKG 178 प्राचीन भारतीय राजनीति 6
Social Sciences BABG 171 Understanding Ambedkar 6
Philosophy BPYG 171 Applied Ethics 6
BPYG 172 Philosophy of Religion 6

IGNOU BA Credit System

As we all know, IGNOU has implemented a credit system in the BA program in which the candidates have to earn a total of 132 credits to obtain the IGNOU BA certificate. Therefore, each of the BA courses will have an appropriate number of credits that you will earn only after you complete the particular subject. The BA candidates can get to know about the total number of credits that they need to earn to become eligible for the IGNOU BA degree certificate.

IGNOU University is working regularly to revise the BA Syllabus Structure to fulfill the current demands as well as to keep connected with the latest curriculum that helps students to achieve their goals as per the latest trends. IGNOU has the right to change and update the IGNOU BA Syllabus at any session to offer only the latest course structure. We also work hard for IGNOU BA students to provide an updated syllabus structure to them which will help them for their studies.

47 thoughts on “IGNOU BA – BAG Syllabus 2024”

  1. Respected maam/sir,
    Subject code that I have opted for is not available in the exam form. My subject code are EHI3
    EHI 07
    EEC 14

  2. I want to take admission in BA with Hindi medium what are the subjects to choose. Little confuse with the details given for BA..

  3. Hey i need help i am in ba second year and i have taken one of the subject fst 1 i just wanna know that is it in my course should i study for it

  4. in 2nd year how can i choose my subjects ,if in 1st year my subject is BHDF 101 then in second year which subject i can choose instead of BHDF 101.

  5. Sir
    Please tell me how I can see of BA IGNOU syllabus such as political science, sociology, general English and environmental science etc.

  6. how could i take my syllabus of b.a …..subjects ….bsHF101 foundation humanities and social sciences
    Begf101 foundation course in English -1
    BRDE1-Rural Development of india
    EHI1-foundation course in Hindi
    And how to get BA study material

  7. Sir
    Please tell me how I can see of BA IGNOU syllabus such as political science, sociology, general English and environment science etc.

  8. Please tell me when will the exam date for December be shown on the page of IGNOU..
    And tell please ,how could I find the exam date sheet from here.. please reply for me .I will be waiting.

    1. You can download by going on egyanKosh that is stated at the tops of home of IGNOU help’s pages

  9. As per above syllabus i want B.A honor in economics which subject will be choose in B.A 1ST year 2nd and last year economics subject and grade and course code plz reply me

  10. how could i take my syllabus of b.a …..subjects ….bsHF101 foundation humanities and social sciences
    Begf101 foundation course in English -1
    Feg2 english
    Eps11 political ideas and ideologies
    Ehda2 hindi kavya

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